首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Animal Biosciences >Characterization of Chilean corralero mare milk in terms of milk composition from elitebreeding farms in Central-Southern Chile

Characterization of Chilean corralero mare milk in terms of milk composition from elitebreeding farms in Central-Southern Chile


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Mare’s milk is attracting increasing interest from consumers due to its high content of vitamins and minerals,better digestibility and lower content of fat in comparison with cow’s milk. Depending on the region, different breeds ofhorses are used for this purpose, and milk composition may vary among breeds (Uniacke-Lowe et al, 2010). Chileancorralero horse is a relevant breed in Chile given its contribution to the national sport (“rodeo”), farm work with cattle,horse riding and export of stallions (García et al, 1997). However, the nutritional value of mare’s milk has not beenassessed yet. Then, the objective of this study was to characterise mare milk of Chilean corralero breed in terms of milkcomposition.
机译:由于其高含量的维生素和矿物质,与牛奶相比,母牛的牛奶吸引了消费者的越来越多的消费者利益,更好的消化率和脂肪含量较低。 根据该地区,不同品种的母语用于此目的,牛奶组合物可能因品种而异(Uniacke-Lowe等,2010)。 Chileancorralero马是智利的相关品种,赋予国家体育(“牛仔竞技)”的贡献,农场与牛,骑马和出口种马(García等,1997)。 然而,母马牛奶的营养价值尚未被评估。 然后,本研究的目的是在牛奶偶数方面表征智利加尔拉罗州的母马牛奶。



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