首页> 外文期刊>Crystal growth & design >Crystal Structure, Thermal Decomposition Behavior, and Order-Disorder Transition of the Guest Component of Concomitant Pseudodimorphic Clathrates between 2,2'-Bis(9-hydroxy-9-fluorenyl)biphenyl Host and Chloroform Guest

Crystal Structure, Thermal Decomposition Behavior, and Order-Disorder Transition of the Guest Component of Concomitant Pseudodimorphic Clathrates between 2,2'-Bis(9-hydroxy-9-fluorenyl)biphenyl Host and Chloroform Guest


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Two clathrates between the 2,2'-bis(9-hydroxy-9-fluorenyl)biphenyl host and chloroform guest, having 1:2 (α-phase) and 1:1 (β-phase) stoichiometries, have been obtained in the same vial by fast evaporation of a supersaturated solution in chloroform. The structures of the pseudodimorphs were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Their thermal properties were studied by using combined thermogravimetry-differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC), variable temperature X-ray powder diffraction in the temperature interval 20-250 ℃, and DSC in the low-temperature interval from -140 to 20 ℃. The thermal decomposition behavior of the α- and β-phase pseudodimorphs, a difference in the desolvation onset temperatures, as well as an occurrence of endothermic peaks in the low-temperature DSC curves (order-disorder transition of the guest component) have been explained on the basis of the structural data.



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