首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Soil Science >The effect of geocryological conditions and soil properties on the spatial variation in the CO2 emission from flat-topped peat mounds in the isolated permafrost zone of Western Siberia

The effect of geocryological conditions and soil properties on the spatial variation in the CO2 emission from flat-topped peat mounds in the isolated permafrost zone of Western Siberia


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The active layer thickness, CO2 emission, and contents of organic substances (including the total organic carbon, labile carbon, and the carbon of microbial biomass) in the soils of flat-topped peat mounds in the area of the Nadym Experimental Station in the north of Western Siberia (experimental site CALM R1) are characterized by considerable spatial variability. The low values of the CD2 emission are confined to the microelevations on the peatland surface. The high values of the emission (> 200 mg CO2/(m(2) h)) are typical of the soils with the highest content of the carbon of microbial biomass and the lowest content of the labile organic carbon. The soils of elevated flat-topped peat mounds statistically differ from the soils of waterlogged mires in the contents of total, labile, and microbial carbon and in the CO2 emission values. Though the soils of elevated flat-topped peat mounds are characterized by the high content of the carbon of microbial biomass (4260 +/- 880 mg D/kg soil), the CO2 emission from them is low (158 +/- 23 mg CO2/(m(2) h)), which is explained by the structure of microbial communities in the cryogenic soils and by the effect of specific hydrothermic conditions.
机译:在北方Nadym实验站的平顶泥炭堆的土壤中,有机层厚度,有机物质的厚度,二氧化碳排放和微生物总碳,不稳定碳和微生物生物量的碳)在北方的北部实验站面积的土壤中西伯利亚(实验部位平静R1)的特点是相当大的空间变异性。 CD2排放的低值限制在泥炭地表面上的微电子。发射的高值(> 200mg CO 2 /(m(2)h))是典型的微生物生物量碳含量最高的土壤和不稳定有机碳的最低含量。升高的平顶泥炭土壤的土壤与在总,不稳定和微生物碳的含量和二氧化碳排放值中的浇水泥土的土壤有统计学上不同。虽然升高的平顶泥炭土着的土壤的特征在于微生物生物量的碳的高含量(4260 +/- 880mg土壤),但它们的二氧化碳排放量低(158 +/- 23mg CO2 /(m(2)h)),由低温土壤中的微生物群落结构和特定水热条件的影响解释。



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