首页> 外文期刊>Marine genomics >Using RNA-seq to determine patterns of sex-bias in gene expression in the brain of the sex-role reversed Gulf Pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli)

Using RNA-seq to determine patterns of sex-bias in gene expression in the brain of the sex-role reversed Gulf Pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli)

机译:使用RNA-SEQ确定性别作用逆转海湾派发(SITNGNATHUS SCOVELLI)大脑中基因表达中性偏差模式的模式

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Sex-bias in gene expression is a widespread mechanism for controlling the development of phenotypes that differ between males and females. Most studies on sex-bias in gene expression have focused on species that exhibit traditional sex-roles (male-male competition and female parental care). By contrast the Syngnathid fishes (sea horses, pipefish, and sea dragons) are a group of organisms where many species exhibit male brooding and sex role reversal (female-female competition for mates and paternal parental care), and little is known about how patterns of sex-bias in gene expression vary in species with sex-role reversal. Here we utilize RNA-seq technology to investigate patterns of sex-bias in gene expression in the brain tissue of the Gulf Pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli) a species that exhibits sex-role reversal. Gene expression analysis identified 73 sex-biased genes, 26 genes upregulated in females and 47 genes upregulated in males. Gene ontology analysis found 52 terms enriched for the sex-biased genes in a wide range of pathways suggesting that multiple functions and processes differ between the sexes. We focused on two areas of interest: sex steroids/hormones and circadian rhythms, both of which exhibited sex-bias in gene expression, and are known to influence sexual development in other species. Lastly, the work presented herein contributes to a growing body of genome data available for the Syngnathids, increasing our knowledge on patterns of gene expression in these unusual fishes.
机译:基因表达中的性别偏见是一种广泛的机制,用于控制雄性和女性之间不同的表型的发展。大多数关于基因表达的性别偏见的研究侧重于表现出传统性别角色(男性竞争和女性父母护理)的物种。相比之下,Syngnathid鱼类(海马,蛇和海龙)是一群生物,其中许多物种展示男性育雏和性别角色逆转(女性 - 女性竞争伴侣和父亲父母护理),并且毫无疑问是如何模式的基因表达中的性偏见在物种中变化,性别角色逆转。在这里,我们利用RNA-SEQ技术来调查海湾毒物(Syngnathus Scovelli)脑组织中基因表达中的性别偏差模式的一种,该物种表现出性别角色逆转。基因表达分析鉴定了73个性偏置基因,26个基因上调,女性和47个基因在雄性上调。基因本体分析发现52项富集性偏见的基因在广泛的途径中,表明性别多种功能和过程不同。我们专注于两个兴趣领域:性类固醇/激素和昼夜节律,两者在基因表达中表现出性偏见,并且已知影响其他物种的性发育。最后,本文所呈现的作品有助于可用于Syngnathids的基因组数据,增加了我们对这些不寻常的鱼类中基因表达模式的知识。



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