首页> 外文期刊>Palaontologische Zeitschrift >Paleobiology and taphonomy of the pycnodont fish Nursallia gutturosum, based on material from the Latest-Cenomanian-middle Turonian Vallecillo platy limestone, Mexico

Paleobiology and taphonomy of the pycnodont fish Nursallia gutturosum, based on material from the Latest-Cenomanian-middle Turonian Vallecillo platy limestone, Mexico

机译:基于最新雪蒙尼 - 中间镇瓦尔西略平板石灰石,墨西哥的古生物学和Pycnodont鱼类牙龈鱼类牙龈牙龈的古生物学和Taphonomicy

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The platy limestone deposit of Vallecillo, located in north-eastern Mexico, offers a wide variety of invertebrate and vertebrate species dated to the latest Cenomanian-middle Turonian (Late Cretaceous). The deposit is known to contain well preserved fossils, e.g., fishes, in which the bones are recrystallized to calcite but soft tissue is also preserved. The fish assemblage is dominated by pelagic fast swimmers but also includes the common pycnodont Nursallia gutturosum, a discus-like and compressed fish that was likely well-suited for maneuverability. A review of 90 individuals of this taxon indicates the presence of different ontogenetic stages, from early young to old age. The size range distribution of individuals also suggests intermittent migration out of the Vallecillo area. The taphonomical decay analysis of N. gutturosum allows for a differentiation of five preservational stages. The presence of frequently complete and articulated specimens suggests a deep dwelling life style, without carcass flotation to the surface.
机译:Vallecillo的Platy LimeStone押金位于墨西哥北部,提供各种无脊椎动物和脊椎动物物种,日期为最新的Cenoman-中间涡轮(晚餐)。已知沉积物含有良好的保存的化石,例如鱼类,其中骨骼重结晶以使胶铁化合物,但也保持软组织。鱼群组合由骨库快速游泳者主导,但也包括氏菌菌,耐食性和压缩的鱼类,可能适合适合机动性的普通粘液肠道。审查该分类的90个人表明存在不同的植入阶段,从早期到老年。个体的大小范围分布也表明在Vallecillo区域中间歇迁移。 N.Gutturosum的绘制腐烂分析允许分化五个保存阶段。经常完整和铰接标本的存在表明,没有胴体浮选到表面的深度居住生活方式。



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