首页> 外文期刊>Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift >Prenatal programming of later performance in dairy cattle

Prenatal programming of later performance in dairy cattle


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Prenatal programming refers to the fact that insults during pre- and early postnatal life can have long-term consequences on the health and performance. In diary cattle, physiological conditions, such as maternal body growth, milk yield and parity, and environmental conditions during gestation can create a suboptimal environment for the developing fetus. As a consequence, adaptations of the placental and newborn phenotype take place. In addition, potential long-term effects of prenatal programming influence body growth, fertility, milk yield and longevity in dairy cows. These results suggest that the current management systems may pose a risk for the long-term health and performance of dairy cattle. Hence, in management practices, all pre- and postnatal aspects should carefully be considered in order to raise healthier and more productive dairy cows.
机译:产前编程是指后期后期侮辱的事实可能对健康和表现产生长期后果。 在日记牛,生理条件,如孕妇体生长,奶头产量和奇偶校验,以及在妊娠期间的环境条件可以为发展胎儿产生次优环境。 因此,胎盘和新生儿表型的适应发生。 此外,产前规划的潜在长期影响会影响乳制奶牛的体育生长,生育,牛奶产量和长寿。 这些结果表明,目前的管理系统可能对奶牛的长期健康和表现构成风险。 因此,在管理实践中,应仔细考虑所有预先和出版物,以便提高更健康和更高效的乳制品奶牛。



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