首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cancer education: the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education >Evaluating the Implementation of a Translational Peer-Delivered Stress Management Program for Spanish-Speaking Latina Breast Cancer Survivors

Evaluating the Implementation of a Translational Peer-Delivered Stress Management Program for Spanish-Speaking Latina Breast Cancer Survivors


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Information is needed on implementation processes involved in translating evidence-based interventions (EBIs) into health disparity communities. In an RCT, Nuevo Amanecer, a cognitive-behavioral stress management (CBSM) program delivered by breast cancer survivors (compaeras) in community settings to Spanish-speaking Latina breast cancer survivors, was effective in improving quality of life and decreasing breast cancer concerns and depressive and bodily symptoms. Using mixed methods, we evaluated the processes of implementing Nuevo Amanecer. Program delivery was assessed by direct observation. Treatment receipt was assessed by participants' mastery and homework completion. Perceived benefits, quality, ease of use, usefulness of components, and suggested improvements were evaluated through participant surveys and semi-structured interviews of participants and compaeras. Eighty percent of women completed six or more of eight sessions. Observer ratings of program delivery indicated compaeras demonstrated fidelity 80-90% of the time for three components (e.g., following the manual), but only 10% for two components (e.g., modeling skills). Regarding treatment receipt, most participants completed all homework. Knowledge and skills mastery was high (mostly 85%). In program evaluations, 93% indicated the program helped them cope with breast cancer "quite a bit/extremely." Participants reported improved self-management skills and knowledge. Suggested improvements were to add more sessions to practice cognitive-behavioral coping skills and simplify exercises and homework. We conclude that CBSM programs can be delivered in community settings by trained peers with high fidelity, acceptability, and perceived usefulness. Results provided some areas where the program could be improved. Our rigorous evaluation illustrates methods for evaluating processes of translating EBIs for community implementation. Trial registration: NCT01383174 (ClinicalTrials.gov).
机译:在将基于证据的干预措施(EBIS)转化为卫生差别社区的实施过程中需要提供信息。在一个RCT,Nuevo Amanecer,乳腺癌幸存者(Compaeras)在讲西班牙语环境中携带的乳腺癌幸存者(Compaeras)提供的认知行为压力管理(CBSM)程序,在提高生活质量和降低乳腺癌的担忧方面都有效抑郁和身体症状。使用混合方法,我们评估了实施Nuevo Amanecer的过程。通过直接观察评估计划交付。参与者的掌握和家庭作业完成评估处理收据。通过参与者调查和半结构化访谈评估了感知的益处,质量,易用性,组件的有用性,以及建议的改进。百分之八十名妇女完成了六个或更多的八个会议。观察者递送的评级指示Compaeras在三个组件(例如,在手册之后)的时间达80-90%,但两个组件仅为10%(例如,建模技能)。关于处理收据,大多数参与者完成了所有作业。知识和技能掌握很高(大部分& 85%)。在方案评估中,93%表示该计划帮助他们应对乳腺癌“相当多/极其”。参与者报告了改善的自我管理技能和知识。建议的改进是增加更多会议,以实践认知行为应对技能,简化练习和作业。我们得出结论,CBSM计划可以通过训练有素的同行具有高保真,可接受性和感知的有用性在社区设置中提供。结果提供了可提高程序的一些区域。我们严谨的评估说明了评估翻译EBIS进行社区实施过程的方法。试验注册:NCT01383174(ClinicalTrials.gov)。



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