首页> 外文期刊>AIDS >Infectiousness of HIV-infected men who have sex with men in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy.

Infectiousness of HIV-infected men who have sex with men in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy.


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In the majority of resource-rich countries, the most common exposure route for HIV transmission is unprotected anal intercourse among homosexual men [1,2]. HIV diagnosis rates in these settings have been increasing over the last decade [1-3], which is somewhat paradoxical considering that effective combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) has had increasing coverage. There is evidence among heterosexuals of a positive association between viral load and infectiousness [4-6], and use of ART has been shown to reduce HIV transmission risk among discordant couples [7]. Further, both a recent meta-analysis [6] and a prospective cohort study [8] calculated a remarkably similar reduction, of 92%, in HIV transmission rates from heterosexual men and women who are treated compared with those who are untreated. It might be expected that ART would also reduce HIV transmission rates among homosexual men, but the fact that the per-contact probability of HIV transmission through anal intercourse is more than 10-fold higher than by vaginal intercourse means that results may not necessarily be the same.



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