首页> 外文期刊>Journal of health communication >Depictions of Tobacco and Alcohol Use in Contemporary Japanese Shonen Manga: A Content Analysis

Depictions of Tobacco and Alcohol Use in Contemporary Japanese Shonen Manga: A Content Analysis


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Japanese manga, which present dramatic and imaginative stories in comic book form, have a growing readership in Asia, Europe, and North America. We investigated depictions of tobacco and alcohol use in a sample of contemporary shonen manga, which have a primary readership of males ages 8-18, but also appeal to young females and adults. Large number of characters were shown smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, especially males, adults, and those categorized as "good" characters. Compared to the shonens' early chapters (initiated in 1990-2003, depending on the series), more recently published chapters (2011-2016) portrayed fewer characters overall using a tobacco product and fewer minors using an alcohol product. The later chapters also presented significantly fewer depictions of tobacco-related behavior, consumption of both beer and other/unknown alcoholic beverages, and alcohol-related paraphernalia. Antitobacco and antialcohol behaviors or dialogue were rare. These findings raise legitimate concerns about the influence of these depictions on young readers' beliefs, attitudes, and behavioral choices. Future research should explore whether those concerns are warranted, but in the interim, government agencies and watchdog groups in Japan should consider applying increased public pressure on manga artists and producers to curtail these depictions and to offer positive role models in their place.
机译:日本漫画,目前在漫画书形式下存在戏剧性和富有想象力的故事,在亚洲,欧洲和北美拥有日益增长的读者。我们调查了在当代Shonen Manga样本中的烟草和酒精使用的描述,该样本具有8-18岁的雄性较小的男性读者,而且吸引了年轻的女性和成年人。大量的人物被展示了吸烟,饮酒,尤其是男性,成年人,以及分为“好”的人物。与Shonens的早期章节相比(于1990 - 2003年开始,根据系列的不同),最近发表的章节(2011-2016)使用烟草产品和使用酒精产品的少数未成年人来描绘了更少的人物。后来的章节也呈现出烟草相关行为的描绘明显较少,啤酒和其他/未知的酒精饮料以及与酒精有关的随身饮料。抗杀伤症和抗醇行为或对话很少见。这些调查结果提高了对这些描述对年轻读者信念,态度和行为选择的影响的合法担忧。未来的研究应该探讨这些担忧是否有必要,但在日本的临时,政府机构和看门狗群体应考虑在漫画艺术家和生产者上筹集增加的公众压力,以减少这些描绘,并在其位置提供积极的榜样。



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