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Use of Fluorescent Probes for Determination of Yeast Cell Viability by Gravitational Field-Flow Fractionation


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The quality of wine greatly depends on the features of the yeast used in its production,and yeast cell viability is one of the most important quality control issues to consider in this regard.In the first steps of winemaking,the use of a low-cost and simple methodology for monitoring the cell viability of yeast inoculates is of paramount importance.Gravitational field-flow fractionation is a useful technique for the determination of cell viability because it provides gentle experimental conditions,although the proper use of fluorophore probes as biomass indicators is required.In this paper the use of different fluorescent probes such as carboxyfluo-rescein diacetate (cFDA),calcein-AM,and SYTO-13 were considered as viability biomarkers.Calceina-AM allowed the establishment of a direct GrFFF method to determine cell viability,with a limit of detection of 5.0 x 10~4 viable cell/mL.SYTO-13 could be used as biomass indicator with a limit of detection of 3.5 x 10~4 total cells/mL.The suitability of the procedure was tested with three commercial yeast samples,and the results were compared with those obtained using standard techniques.
机译:葡萄酒的质量在很大程度上取决于其生产中所用酵母的特性,而酵母细胞的活力是这方面要考虑的最重要的质量控制问题之一。在酿酒的第一步中,低成本的使用重力场流分级法是确定细胞活力的有用技术,因为它提供了温和的实验条件,尽管需要正确使用荧光团探针作为生物量指示剂本文将羧基荧光素二乙酸酯(cFDA),钙蛋白-AM和SYTO-13等不同的荧光探针视为生存力生物标志物.Calceina-AM允许建立直接的GrFFF方法来测定细胞生存力,检出限为5.0 x 10〜4个活细胞/mL.SYTO-13可用作生物量指示剂,检出限为3.5 x 10〜4个总细胞/ mL。用三个商业酵母样品测试了该程序的有效性,并将结果与​​使用标准技术获得的结果进行了比较。



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