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FRAME and the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution: common recommendations for assessing risks posed by chemicals under the EU REACH system.


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This document discusses recommendations made by FRAME and the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (RCEP) with regard to the current European Commission proposals on the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (REACH) system for assessing the risks of chemicals to humans, wildlife and the environment. Of several common aims and recommendations, the two most important are: a) the greater use of non-animal testing methods, especially computational prediction methods (for example, [quantitative] structure-activity relationships, expert systems and biokinetic modelling) for prioritising chemicals for hazard assessment; and b) the greater use of intelligent exposure-based targeted risk assessment, with less emphasis being placed on tonnage-triggers. FRAME has produced a decision-tree testing scheme to illustrate the way in which these approaches could be used, together with in vitro test methods. This scheme has been slightly modified to take account of proposals subsequently made by the RCEP. In addition, FRAME points out that new and improved computational methods are needed through more coordinated research, and that these and existing methods need to be validated. The similarities between the independent publications of FRAME and the RCEP add weight to the recommendations that each have made concerning the implementation of the REACH system.
机译:本文档讨论了FRAME和皇家环境污染委员会(RCEP)针对当前欧洲委员会有关化学品注册,评估和授权(REACH)系统的提案的建议,该提案旨在评估化学品对人类,野生动植物和动物的危害环境。在几个共同的目标和建议中,两个最重要的目标和建议是:a)更多地使用非动物测试方法,尤其是计算预测方法(例如,[结构]定量关系,专家系统和生物动力学模型)优先考虑化学物质进行危害评估; b)更多地使用基于暴露的智能目标风险评估,而对吨位触发的关注较少。 FRAME已制定了决策树测试方案,以说明这些方法的使用方式以及体外测试方法。考虑到RCEP随后提出的建议,对该计划进行了稍微修改。此外,FRAME指出,需要通过更加协调的研究来开发新的和经过改进的计算方法,并且需要对这些方法和现有方法进行验证。 FRAME和RCEP的独立出版物之间的相似之处增加了各自对REACH系统实施提出的建议的分量。



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