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The goblin spider genera opopaea and epectris (Araneae, Oonopidae) in the new world


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Although the type species of the widespread, speciose, and abundant goblin spider genus Opopaea Simon was initially described from St. Vincent in the Lesser Antilles, and 15 additional New World taxa have since been assigned to the genus, we hypothesize that Opopaea is not native to the New World, and is represented in America only by introduced species that, although now pantropical in distribution, are of Old World origin. Myrmecoscaphiella Mello-Leit?o is placed as a junior synonym of Opopaea, and its type species, M. borgmeyeri Mello-Leit?o from Brazil, is newly synonymized with O. concolor (Blackwall), as are also O. devia Gertsch from Texas, O. guaraniana Birabn from Argentina, and O. bandina Chickering from Florida. Opopaea timida Chickering, from Panama, is placed as a junior synonym of the type species, O. deserticola Simon, which is newly recorded from Mexico, Costa Rica, Bermuda, the Bahama Islands, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Barbados, Trinidad, Colombia, and Brazil; O. concolor is newly recorded from Mexico, Costa Rica, the Bahama Islands, Cuba, Jamaica, Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands, Peru, and Hawaii. A third widespread species has most commonly been cited as O. lena Suman, originally described from Hawaii and recently chosen as the type species of the monotypic genus Nale Saaristo and Marusik. Nale is here placed as a junior synonym of Epectris Simon, as its type species is placed as a junior synonym of E. apicalis Simon, described from the Philippines; E. apicalis is newly recorded from Florida, Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, Runion, Singapore, Borneo, Micronesia, and New Caledonia. Opopaea cupida (Keyserling) is transferred to Marsupopaea Cooke; O. recondita Chickering is transferred to Brignolia Dumitresco and Georgesco. In a supplement, Pelicinus vernalis (Bryant), described from Florida, is also placed as a junior synonym of O. concolor.
机译:尽管最初由小安的列斯群岛的圣文森特描述了广布的,特有的和丰富的地精蜘蛛属Opopaea Simon的类型物种,并且此后已为该属指定了另外15个新世界类群,但我们推测Opopaea不是本地的到新大陆,并且在美国仅以引进的物种为代表,这些物种虽然现在分布在全热带,但起源于旧世界。 Myrmecoscaphiella Mello-Leit?o是Opopaea的初级同义词,其类型种,来自巴西的M. borgmeyeri Mello-Leit?o与O. concolor(Blackwall)同义,O。devia Gertsch来自得克萨斯州的O. guaraniana Birabn来自阿根廷,O。bandina的Chickering来自佛罗里达。来自巴拿马的Opopaea timida Chickering被放置为O.desticicola Simon类型物种的初级同义词,该物种是墨西哥,哥斯达黎加,百慕大,巴哈马群岛,牙买加,伊斯帕尼奥拉,波多黎各,维尔京群岛,巴巴多斯,特立尼达,哥伦比亚和巴西;墨西哥O. concolor是新记录的,来自墨西哥,哥斯达黎加,巴哈马群岛,古巴,牙买加,厄瓜多尔,加拉帕戈斯群岛,秘鲁和夏威夷。最普遍引用的第三种是O. lena Suman,最初是从夏威夷描述的,最近被选为单型Nale Saaristo和Marusik的类型。这里的Nale是Epectris Simon的初级同义词,因为它的类型物种是E. apicalis Simon的初级同义词,据菲律宾描述。阿picalis是新记录的,来自佛罗里达,墨西哥,巴拿马,厄瓜多尔,卢恩,新加坡,婆罗洲,密克罗尼西亚和新喀里多尼亚。 cup蛇(Keyserling)转移到Marsupopaea Cooke; O. recondita Chickering被转移到Brignolia Dumitresco和Georgesco。在补充品中,也描述了从佛罗里达描述的Pelicinus vernalis(Bryant),作为O. concolor的初级同义词。



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