首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ヒュ-マン情報処理. Human Information Processing >GIS with cellular phone+WebGIS - construction of WebGIS using the GPS camera cellular phone

GIS with cellular phone+WebGIS - construction of WebGIS using the GPS camera cellular phone

机译:GIS带蜂窝电话+ WebGIS - 使用GPS相机手机建造WebGIS

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WebGIS is observed from the point that information offer and support within a community can carry out smoothly in recent years. However, the present WebGIS cannot necessarily say it as a user-friendly system. By our research, WebGIS using the GPS camera cellular phone was built by unifying both the systems of GIS with cellular phone and WebGIS, and solution of various problems of the present WebGIS was tried.
机译:从社区内的信息报价和支持近年来可以顺利进行WebGIS。 然而,现在的WebGIS不一定将其作为一种用户友好的系统。 通过我们的研究,使用GPS相机手机的WebGIS通过统一带有蜂窝电话和WebGIS的GIS系统构建,并尝试解决当前WebGIS的各种问题的解决方案。



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