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Markets sail through October


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Though October is a traditionally rocky month for Wall Street, and despite a slip at the close of our trading session ended October 31, 2006, the stock market went on a tear in October, with the Dow reaching several record closes during the period. Consumer confidence fell at the end of our session, but earnings continued strong. At the end of the month, the Fed held steady on interest rates for the third time. "It really doesn't change the outlook for rates going forward," said Kevin Flanagan, fixed income strategist with Morgan Stanley in Purchase, New York. "You don't get a sense of urgency at this point in time that the Fed needs to take that next step and raise rates."
机译:尽管10月份是华尔街历来艰难的月份,尽管在截至2006年10月31日的交易时段结束时有所走低,但10月份股市却大跌,道琼斯工业平均指数在此期间创下多个收盘纪录。在会议结束时,消费者信心有所下降,但收益仍然强劲。月底,美联储第三次保持利率稳定。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)驻纽约Purchase的固定收益策略师凯文•弗拉纳根(Kevin Flanagan)表示:“这确实不会改变未来利率的前景。” “在这个时候,你没有紧迫感,美联储需要采取下一步行动并提高利率。”



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