首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry: A European journal >Anchimeric-Assisted Spontaneous Hydrolysis of Cyanohydrins Under Ambient Conditions: Implications for Cyanide-Initiated Selective Transformations

Anchimeric-Assisted Spontaneous Hydrolysis of Cyanohydrins Under Ambient Conditions: Implications for Cyanide-Initiated Selective Transformations


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Nitrile/cyanide hydrolysis is of importance from the perspective of organic chemistry, especially, prebiotic chemistry. Herein we report that cyanohydrins, generated by the reaction of cyanide with β-keto acids and γ-keto-alcohols, spontaneously hydrolyze under ambient conditions (aqueous medium, RT, and a range of pH). The spontaneous hydrolysis is affected by an intramolecular proton transfer and an intramolecular 5-exo-dig attack, but with a twist. In the case of β-keto acids, the hydrolysis is mediated by the neighboring carboxylic acid group only at pH values less than 7, whereas in the case of γ-keto-alcohols the hydrolysis is mediated by the neighboring hydroxyl group only at pH values greater than 7. The results, in combination with previous works, have implications for selective transformations of cyanide-initiated prebiotic systems chemistry.
机译:丁腈/氰化物水解是有机化学的角度,特别是益生元化学的重要性。 在此举报氰醇,由氰化物与β-酮酸和γ-酮醇的反应产生,在环境条件下自发地水解(水性介质,室温和一系列pH)。 自发水解受重分子质子转移和分子内5- exo-DIG攻击的影响,但扭曲。 在β-酮酸的情况下,水解由相邻的羧酸基团仅在小于7的pH值下介导,而在γ-酮醇的情况下,水解仅在pH值下仅由相邻的羟基介导 大于7.结果与先前的作品相结合,对氰化的益生元系统化学的选择性转化有影响。



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