首页> 外文期刊>Annals of epidemiology >The effect of alcohol abuse on the risk of NSAID-related gastrointestinal events.

The effect of alcohol abuse on the risk of NSAID-related gastrointestinal events.


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PURPOSE: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are known to increase the risk of gastrointestinal (GI) complications. Excessive alcohol consumption may further increase this risk and the FDA is requiring warnings on over-the-counter (OTC) NSAIDs. Our objective is to evaluate the risk of NSAID-related GI events for persons with a history of alcohol abuse. METHODS: This case control study used data from Saskatchewan Health. Cases consisted of 1083 patients hospitalized for severe GI events, whereas the control group consisted of 14,754 persons without such hospitalizations. RESULTS: Five percent of cases and 1.9% of controls had a history of treatment for alcohol abuse. The presence of either NSAID use or a history of alcohol abuse led to an odds ratio (OR) of 2.9* for severe GI events, whereas the presence of both risk factors simultaneously led to an OR of 10.2* (additive would be 5.8). Similarly, the presence of ibuprofen and naproxen use, which are OTC in the USA, without alcohol abuse led to an OR of 1.9*, whereas alcohol abuse by itself led to an OR of 2.4*. The presence of both OTC NSAIDs and alcohol abuse simultaneously, led to an OR of 6.5 (additive would be 4.3). Thus with both risk factors present, the resulting risk ratio is greater than the additive risk of the separate risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning concerns concurrent use of alcohol with NSAIDs, whereas the present study presents the effect of long term alcohol abuse. Further research is needed to separate these two issues to allow physicians to provide the best advice to their patients. *Statistically significant at p<0.05.
机译:目的:已知非甾体类抗炎药会增加胃肠道(GI)并发症的风险。过量饮酒可能会进一步增加这种风险,而FDA要求对非处方(OTC)非甾体抗炎药给予警告。我们的目标是为有酗酒史的人评估与NSAID相关的GI事件的风险。方法:本病例对照研究使用了萨斯喀彻温卫生局的数据。病例包括1083例因严重胃肠道事件而住院的患者,而对照组包括14,754例未经此类住院的患者。结果:5%的病例和1.9%的对照有酗酒治疗史。使用NSAID或有酗酒史导致严重GI事件的比值比(OR)为2.9 *,而同时存在两种危险因素的OR值为10.2 *(加成值为5.8)。同样,布洛芬和萘普生的使用是美国的非处方药,无酒精滥用导致OR值为1.9 *,而酒精滥用本身导致OR值为2.4 *。同时存在非处方药非甾体抗炎药和酗酒,导致OR值为6.5(累加值为4.3)。因此,在同时存在两种风险因素的情况下,所得风险比率大于单独风险因素的累加风险。结论:食品和药物管理局(FDA)警告涉及将酒精与非甾体抗炎药同时使用,而本研究提出了长期滥用酒精的影响。需要进一步研究以分离这两个问题,以使医生为患者提供最佳建议。 *具有统计学意义,p <0.05。



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