
Arctic attitude


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Oil and gas activity in the Arctic region is in its infancy and presents tremendous challenges to pioneering explorers. Extreme weather conditions, shallow water, the presence of sea ice and the very remoteness of the region all conspire against companies looking to take the giant leap into the area. Costs are further increased by the limited three- or four-month drilling window as well as a lack of any supply infrastructure. Wood Mackenzie estimates the area holds 166 billion barrels of oil equivalent in terms of reserves. But oil industry players are receiving mixed messages from regional governments about operating in the region, which crosses several national boundaries including Russia, Alaska in the US, Norway and Greenland, and covers the Beaufort Sea, the Chukchi Sea, East Siberia, the Kara Sea, the Barents Sea, East Greenland and West Greenland.
机译:北极地区的石油和天然气活动仍处于起步阶段,并为开拓探险家带来了巨大挑战。 极端的天气条件,浅水,海冰的存在以及该地区的遥不可及的所有人都在于希望将巨大飞跃带入该地区的公司。 有限的三个月或四个月的钻井窗口以及缺乏任何供应基础设施,进一步提高了成本。 伍德·麦肯齐(Wood Mackenzie)估计,该地区在储量方面持有1660亿桶石油同等的。 但是,石油行业参与者正在收到该地区政府关于在该地区开展业务的混杂信息,该地区跨越了包括俄罗斯,阿拉斯加,美国,挪威和格陵兰的几个国家边界,并覆盖了Beaufort Sea,Chukchi Sea,East Siberia,Kara Sea,Kara Sea ,巴伦支海,东格陵兰和西格陵兰。



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