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A nephrologist by accident: a life obsession.


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Writing this "editorial" has been delayed for 2 months of introspection, during which I attempted to analyze why the term "pioneer" might be applied to me. What follows is more a story of intoxicating personal fulfillment than that of planned scientific exploration.When Belding H. Scribner, in 1960, demonstrated that lost kidney function could be repeatedly replaced by Willem J. Kolff's life-sustaining artificial kidney, the disciplines of Nephrology and Artificial Organs were born. While it would make a better tale to recount how after thoughtful study, I sought nephrology training at the institution that established America's first acute renal failure hemodialysis unit and gained Nobel Prize recognition for successful kidney transplants in identical twins, my arrival after graduation from the State University of New York's Downstate Medical Center in 1957 at Boston's Peter Bent Brigham Hospital resulted from my medical chief's (General Perrin H. Long) telephone call to Brigham Medicine Chief George W.
机译:撰写此“主编”的过程已经进行了2个月的内省,在此期间,我试图分析为什么“先锋”一词可以应用到我身上。接下来的故事更多地是令人陶醉的个人成就感,而不是计划中的科学探索故事.1960年Belding H.Scribner证明肾脏功能丧失可以被Willem J.人造器官诞生了。尽管这将是一个更好的故事,但经过深思熟虑的研究后,我还是在建立美国首个急性肾衰竭血液透析病房并获得同卵双胞胎成功肾移植手术获得诺贝尔奖的机构寻求肾脏病学培训,我从州立大学毕业后就来了。 1957年,纽约大学唐纳德州立大学医学中心在波士顿的彼得·本特·布里格姆医院(Peter Bent Brigham Hospital)打电话给我,当时我的医务主任(佩林·朗·普朗将军)给布里格姆医学负责人George W.



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