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Pulsatile Paracorporeal Pump Membrane Rupture: Clinical Advantage of a Multilayer Membrane


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A 37-year-old male patient was admitted to our service for end-stage heart failure secondary to ischemic cardiomyopathy. He was listed for heart transplantation (HTx) and due to declining hemody-namic status (Intermacs Profile-2) was subsequently implanted with a pulsatile paracorporeal system (EXCOR VAD, Berlin Heart GmbH, Berlin, Germany) for left ventricular support. Postoperative follow-up was uneventful until the seventh postoperative month, when the patient called the hospital and reported that the device was alarming. He had no clinical symptoms, and his hemodynamics were stable. The pump was alarming with a "low pump output" signal. Transthoracic echocardiography demonstrated sufficient left ventricular unloading and no inflow or outflow cannula obstruction. The EXCOR pump chamber, the power supply, and the cables of the pump were intact and functional, and no sign of incomplete ejection was evident by visual examination.
机译:一名37岁的男性患者因缺血性心肌病继发的终末期心力衰竭入院接受治疗。他被列为进行心脏移植(HTx)的对象,并且由于血流动力学状态的下降(Intermacs Profile-2)随后被植入了脉动的体外系统(EXCOR VAD,Berlin Heart GmbH,柏林,德国)以用于左心室支持。直到患者术后第7个月才进行随访,直到患者致电医院并报告该设备令人担忧。他没有临床症状,血液动力学稳定。泵发出“泵输出低”信号报警。经胸超声心动图检查显示左心室充分卸载,没有流入或流出的套管阻塞。 EXCOR泵腔,电源和泵的电缆均完好无损且正常运行,通过目视检查未发现任何不完全喷射的迹象。



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