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Milk EPD - How do they work?


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Selection of the best bulls for your production and marketing environment, and the subsequent use of those bulls will drive genetic improvement of your herd. The influence of a particular sire increases as the number of cows that bull is expected to service and the resulting number of offspring increases. The greater the number of offspring produced by a particular sire the greater his impact on the herd's genetic makeup. Depending upon the nature of terrain and the acres in breeding pastures, bullsmay be required to service anywhere from 10 to over 100 cows in a breeding season. Using a bull through AI has the potential to increase the number of offspring of a particular sire even further. Make no mistake about it, given the number of offspring sires can produce in comparison to the number of offspring females produce, bulls drive genetic improvement. The bull's impact is typically felt long term through the female progeny retained as replacements in theherd. The females can succeed or fail as producing cows in the herd. Often their success depends upon whether those daughters have the correct genetic potential for milk production— too much milk and the daughters may quickly drop out of the herd because their nutrient requirements exceed those available, too little milk and their calves may be lighter than desired at weaning. When choosing a sire this potential for milk production is represented through the milk EPD; however, milk EPD is likely the most misunderstood of the EPDs.



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