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Autecology of blood grass in wetland rice ecosystem


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Autecological studies envisage the study of an organism in its environment. A thorough knowledge about the weeds in terms of its growth and development, propagation, adaptation, response to various stimuli or resources in a particular habitat in association with crops is highly essential before adopting any control measures (Duary et al. 2000). A careful consideration of these facts in relation to different crop management practices may provide a suitable strategy for suppression of the weeds. However, there is a considerable lack of information on the biology and ecology of many weeds occurring in rice in the tropics (Moody 1980). Development of an appropriate and effective weed management programme is dependent on the sound knowledge of weed biology (Rao 2000). Such studies are important in saving the precious crops from devastation. Isachne miliacea Roth ex Roemet Schult is one such troublesome dominant grass weed found in the wetland rice ecosystem of Thiruvanantha-puram district, Kerala state.The weed spreads mainly by seed and rooted portions of the stem and is hard to eradicate once established. A sound knowledge of biology of /. miliacea will help to develop strategies for its efficient and eco-friendly management. With this background information, an investigation was carried out to examine the growth and developmental pattern of blood grass (/. miliacea) as influenced by nutrient management and spacing of associated rice with an approach to assess the possibility for managing them through agronomic manipulations.
机译:生态学研究设想对环境中的生物进行研究。在采取任何控制措施之前,对于杂草的生长,发育,繁殖,适应,对特定生境与作物的各种刺激或资源的反应的透彻了解非常重要(Duary等,2000)。仔细考虑与不同作物管理实践相关的这些事实,可能会提供一种抑制杂草的合适策略。但是,在热带地区,水稻中存在的许多杂草的生物学和生态学信息非常缺乏(Moody 1980)。制定适当而有效的杂草管理计划取决于杂草生物学的健全知识(Rao 2000)。这些研究对于挽救珍贵作物免于毁灭至关重要。 Isachne miliacea Roth ex Roemet Schult是在喀拉拉邦Thiruvanantha-puram地区的湿地水稻生态系统中发现的一种如此麻烦的优势杂草,杂草主要通过种子和茎的根部传播,一旦建立就难以根除。具有/的生物学知识。 miliacea将帮助制定有效,环保的管理策略。利用这一背景信息,进行了一项调查,以研究受营养管理和相关水稻的间隔影响的血草(/。纤毛虫)的生长和发育方式,并评估了通过农艺操作对其进行管理的可能性。



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