首页> 外文期刊>International bear news ethe newsletter of the International Association for Bear Research and Management >A Tale of Two Bears: the Release of Two Brown Bear Cubs in the High Pamirs of Tajikistan

A Tale of Two Bears: the Release of Two Brown Bear Cubs in the High Pamirs of Tajikistan


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Very little is still known about the status of brown bears in Tajikistan, although since 2011 (when our work in Tajikistan started), brown bears regularly appear on many of our camera traps across the Pamirs and most recently in the Hissar range in the north of the country. However, the densities of bears in the eastern Pamirs appear to be low. The eastern Pamirs, at 4000 m and above, are not very productive and there is very little for bears to forage on. However marmots (Marmota caudata) are abundant.
机译:关于塔吉克斯坦棕熊的状况,人们仍然知之甚少,尽管自2011年(我们在塔吉克斯坦开始工作时)以来,棕熊经常出现在帕米尔高原以及北半球的Hissar山脉的许多相机陷阱中国家。但是,东部帕米尔高原的熊密度似乎很低。帕米尔高原东部(海拔4000 m以上)生产力不高,几乎没有熊可以觅食。但是土拨鼠(Marmota caudata)丰富。



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