首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Persistence of Acephate and Cypermethrin on Cotton Leaves, Cottonseed, Lint and Soil

Persistence of Acephate and Cypermethrin on Cotton Leaves, Cottonseed, Lint and Soil


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Following foliar applications of combination formulation (cypermethrin 5% + acephate 45% DF) at 850 and 1,700 g ha(-1), resulting in active application of acephate at 382.5 and 765 g a.i. ha(-1) whereas active application of cypermethrin at 42.5 and 85 g a.i. ha(-1), the average initial deposits of acephate on cotton leaves were found to be 13.45 and 27.73 mg kg(-1), at single and double the doses of application, respectively. Residues of acephate declined below detectable level of 0.02 mg kg(-1) after 15 days of applications at application rates with t (A1/2) values of 1.56 and 0.68 days, respectively. Similarly, the average initial deposits of cypermethrin were found to be 22.31 and 32.45 mg kg(-1), respectively. Cypermethrin residues reached below its detectable level of 0.02 mg kg(-1) after 21 days of its application at both the dosages of application. The half-life values for cypermethrin were observed to be 0.71 and 0.69 days, corresponding to single and double the dose of application, respectively. Interestingly, none of the samples of cottonseed, lint and soil showed presence of acephate or cypermethrin at the detection limit of 0.02 mg kg(-1) at first pick of the harvest time of the crop.
机译:在850和1,700 g ha(-1)的叶面施用联合制剂(氯氰菊酯5%+乙酰草酸盐45%DF)后,导致活性成分在382.5和765 g a.i. ha(-1),而氯氰菊酯在42.5和85 g a.i.时主动施用。在ha(-1)下,发现在棉叶上乙酰甲酸盐的平均初始沉积量分别为单次和两倍剂量时分别为13.45和27.73 mg kg(-1)。施用量达15天后,t(A1 / 2)值分别为1.56和0.68天,乙酰甲酸盐的残留量降至低于可检测水平0.02 mg kg(-1)。同样,发现氯氰菊酯的平均初始沉积分别为22.31和32.45 mg kg(-1)。在两种施用剂量下施用21天后,氯氰菊酯残留量均低于其可检测水平0.02 mg kg(-1)。氯氰菊酯的半衰期值分别为0.71天和0.69天,分别对应于单次和二次剂量。有趣的是,棉籽,皮棉和土壤样品在作物的第一采收期均未显示出乙酰甲胺磷或氯氰菊酯的检出限为0.02 mg kg(-1)。



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