首页> 外文期刊>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group >Stream profile analysis, tectonic geomorphology and neotectonic activity of the Damxung-Yangbajain rift in the south Tibetan Plateau

Stream profile analysis, tectonic geomorphology and neotectonic activity of the Damxung-Yangbajain rift in the south Tibetan Plateau


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The Damxung-Yangbajain rift is one of the most active north-south trending rifts in the south Tibetan Plateau, and it has been playing an important role in accommodating the east-west extension of the Tibetan Plateau. Both stream profiles on the Nyainqentanglha Range adjacent to the northwest part of the Damxung-Yangbajain rift and tectonic geomorphology in the north of the rift are analyzed to assess the spatial pattern and intensity of rock uplift which is related to neotectonic activity. A total of 85 stream profiles across the Nyainqentanglha Range are analyzed, and 111 knickpoints are interpreted. Most of these stream profiles are characterized by prominent convexities with two or more knickpoints, many of which are formed due to the strong rock uplift evidenced by abnormal concavity and extremely high steepness indices during the Quaternary. Neotectonic activity in this region is well replicated in the stream profile indices and offset landforms. Tectono-geomorphic analysis shows that the concavity and steepness indices correlate with the fault movements at many places. The Damxung-Yangbajain rift is characterized by left-lateral strike-slip in the north of Damxung and by normal movement in middle and southern parts. The middle and southern parts have been undergoing higher uplift than has the northern area. It is most likely that the strong uplift is related to the heat flow under the crust. Earthquakes occurring in the Damxung-Yangbajain rift, including a M8 in 1411 and M6.6 in 2008, are thought to be related to heat flow activity. All of the stream profile indices and tectonic geomorphology show that the Damxung-Yangbajain rift is not in a stable state. Copyright (c) 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:Damxung-Yangbajain裂谷是青藏高原南部最活跃的南北向裂谷之一,并且在适应青藏高原的东西向扩展方面一直发挥着重要作用。分析了与丹雄-扬巴干裂谷西北部相邻的Nyainqentanglha山脉的两种流廓和裂谷北部的构造地貌,以评估与新构造活动有关的岩石隆起的空间格局和强度。分析了Nyainqentanglha范围内的总共85个河流剖面,并解释了111个拐点。这些流剖面的大多数特征是具有两个或两个以上拐点的突出凸面,其中许多是由于强烈的岩石隆起而形成的,该隆起表现为第四纪异常的凹度和极高的陡度指数。该地区的新构造活动在河流剖面指数和偏移地貌中得到了很好的复制。构造-地貌分析表明,凹度和陡度指数与许多地方的断层运动有关。当雄-杨巴钦裂谷的特征是当雄北部的左旋走滑和中南部的正常运动。中部和南部地区的隆升幅度高于北部地区。强烈的隆升很可能与地壳下的热流有关。在丹雄-杨巴干裂谷发生的地震,包括1411年的M8和2008年的M6.6,被认为与热流活动有关。所有的流剖面指数和构造地貌学都表明,当雄-扬巴干裂谷不处于稳定状态。版权所有(c)2016 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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