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Do Birds Alter Levels of Parental Investment Based on Nest-Site Habitat Features?


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Many habitats have undergone rapid changes over the past century as a result of anthropogenic activities. Organisms can respond to changes in their environment in many ways, including how much they invest in a given reproductive bout. Optimality theory and life history theory together have provided a framework for understanding how individuals make decisions about the risks and rewards of investing high levels of resources into their offspring within the context of current vs. future reproduction. Shrubland birds in the United States often breed in habitat that has been impacted by humans to varying degrees and provide an ideal system for examining whether organisms alter their levels of parental investment based on the habitat around the nest site. In this study, we assessed levels of nest-defense behavior during a simulated nest predation event in four shrubland birds: American robins (Turdus migratorius), gray catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis), brown thrashers (Toxostoma rufum), and northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis). We found that thrashers and catbirds exhibited significantly higher levels of nest defense compared to robins and cardinals and that birds with larger broods acted more aggressively in defending them. We also found that thrashers acted less aggressively as the proportion of shrubland around the nest increased and as the proportion of developed land around the nest decreased and that cardinals acted less aggressively as the proportion of developed land around the nest increased. These patterns suggest that nest-defense behavior can covary with features of the landscape surrounding the nest, but that the factors shaping that behavior can differ by species.
机译:在过去的一个世纪中,由于人类活动,许多栖息地发生了迅速的变化。有机体可以通过多种方式对环境变化做出反应,包括在特定生殖周期中投入了多少资金。最优性理论和生活史理论共同提供了一个框架,用于理解个人如何在当前与未来繁殖的背景下,决定将大量资源投入后代的风险和回报。在美国,灌木丛鸟类通常在受到人类不同程度影响的栖息地中繁殖,并为根据巢穴周围的栖息地检查生物体是否改变其父母投资水平提供了理想的系统。在这项研究中,我们评估了四种灌木林鸟类在模拟巢穴掠夺事件中的巢穴防御行为水平:美国知更鸟(Turdus migratorius),灰猫鸟(Dumetella carolinensis),褐rash(Toxostoma rufum)和北部红衣主教(Cardinalis cardinalis )。我们发现,与知更鸟和红衣主教相比,th子和cat具有更高的巢防御水平,而具有较大巢穴的鸟类在防御它们方面则表现得更为积极。我们还发现,随着巢周围灌木丛比例的增加和巢周围发达土地比例的降低,蓟马的侵略性降低,而随着巢周围发达土地的比例增加,红衣主教的积极性降低。这些模式表明,筑巢防御行为可以与筑巢周围的地形特征发生共鸣,但是影响行为的因素因物种而异。



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