首页> 外文期刊>Bragantia >Agricultural productivity of sugarcane varieties and incidence of moth borer and root froghopper in green sugarcane

Agricultural productivity of sugarcane varieties and incidence of moth borer and root froghopper in green sugarcane


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The use of adapted varieties of sugarcane and the soil management after its harvest in mechanized systems may affect the incidence of pests and the productivity of the sugarcane plantation. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of plant residues of 18 sugarcane varieties submitted to different harvest management system:, on the agricultural productivity and incidence of moth borer and root froghopper. The treatments were: straw without triturating and cultivation (PST/SC) straw without triturating/with disk harrow cultivation (PST/CC) triturated straw/with disk harrow cultivation (PT/CC). The yield of stalk in the sugarcane is favored by the management, with cultivation, of the straw of the green plant, mechanically harvested, without alteration in the incidence of moth borer and root froghopper. The variety SP87-365 of sugarcane is a viable and rentable option in any system of management green sugarcane, with adaptation to the mechanical harvest and the edaphoclimatic conditions of the region of Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The incidence of moth borer and root froghopper can sufficiently be reduced with the adoption of the varieties SP88-817 and SP76-112 of sugarcane in any system of straw management of,the green sugarcane mechanically harveste, and is minimized by the mechanical harvest of the green sugarcane followed by straw triturating and the use of disk harrow in the inter-row.
机译:在机械化系统中使用适应性品种的甘蔗和收获后的土壤管理可能会影响病虫害的发生和甘蔗种植园的生产力。这项工作的目的是评估提交给不同收获管理系统的18个甘蔗品种的植物残渣对农业生产力以及蛾bore和根蛙的发生率的影响。处理方法为:不用研磨和耕种的稻草(PST / SC)不用研磨/有圆盘耙的稻草(PST / CC)研磨的草/有盘耙的稻草(PT / CC)。甘蔗秸秆的产量受到管理者的青睐,通过管理,可以机械收获绿色植物的秸秆,而不会改变蛾蛀虫和根蛙的发病率。在任何管理绿色甘蔗的系统中,甘蔗SP87-365品种都是可行且可租用的选择,它适应了巴西圣保罗州里贝拉奥普雷图地区的机械收成和干旱气候条件。在任何机械管理绿色甘蔗的秸秆管理系统中,通过采用甘蔗品种SP88-817和SP76-112,可以充分降低蛾蛀虫和根蛙的发病率,并通过机械收获甘蔗将其降低到最低绿色的甘蔗,然后用稻草磨碎,并在行间使用圆盘耙。



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