首页> 外文期刊>European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging >Oesophageal dilatation due to gastric band detected by echocardiography: A 'chameleon tumour'

Oesophageal dilatation due to gastric band detected by echocardiography: A 'chameleon tumour'


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We present a case of a 53-year-old lady who was admitted in our hospital with a history of shortness of breath, palpitations, anaemia, and ankle oedema. On echocar-diogram that was performed to investigate her breathless-ness, a solid echo dense mass was visible posteriorly to the left atrium (LA) (Panel-left). The structure was well-delineated, solid with a granular appearance. A computed tomography of the chest revealed a gastric band, dilatation of oesophagus, and normal aorta. Subsequently, the patient was examined again with echocardiography. Surprisingly, the same structure was noted behind the LA, but it now appeared completely echo-free (Panel-middle). That raised the suspicion that the structure represented an empty dilated oesophagus, whereas in the first scan it was full of food remnants. Indeed, the patient confirmed that there had been 2-3 h since her last meal at the time of the second scan, while the first scan was done shortly after her breakfast. In order to confirm the hypothesis that the visualized structure was the oesophagus, the patient was asked to drinkafew sips of commercially available carbonated beverage under continuous imaging of the structure. Immediately after ingestion, a significant amount of echo-bright gas bubbles appeared in the noted structure (Panel-right, see Supplementary data online, Video S1). Though oesophageal dilatation is not very uncommon after gastric band operation, echocardiographic demonstration has not been previously published. This case report suggests one more simple and easily available diagnostic tool for the difficult differentiation of extracardiac structures noted in echocardiography.



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