首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry: Chimie Therapeutique >Comparison of the efficiency of various methods for the synthesis of models of metabolites: example of 4a-methylhexahydronaphtalenones.

Comparison of the efficiency of various methods for the synthesis of models of metabolites: example of 4a-methylhexahydronaphtalenones.


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In order to examine the biotransformations of xenobiotics, it is essential to realize studies of metabolism of drugs in living animals. It is generally difficult to extract quantitatively the metabolites from biological media or excreta. Alternative methods have then been developed. Application of such techniques to 4a-methylhexahydronaphthalenones, which constitute starting material for the stereospecific synthesis of terpenoids or steroids, is particularly demonstrative. By biosynthetical ways, it was not possible to access with good yields to all the metabolites obtained in vivo. A novel methodology, based on the use of a manganoporphyrin catalyst, allowed to synthesize large amounts of several models of metabolites corresponding to those which had been isolated in living rats. Only one of the metabolites obtained in vivo could not be synthesized by this biomimetic system. This proved that alternative methods are precious to obtain models with good yields, but need to be validated by controls in living animals.



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