首页> 外文期刊>Genewatch : >The Evolution of Religiosity-Is the existence of religion, as a 'cross-cultural universal/' the result of something else shared across cultures: the human genome?

The Evolution of Religiosity-Is the existence of religion, as a 'cross-cultural universal/' the result of something else shared across cultures: the human genome?


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No biologist-indeed, no well-educated and thoughtful person-can be in any doubt that human beings are the product of evolution by natural selection. Nonetheless, close attention to Homo sapiens reveals a number of evolutionary mysteries, aspects of our shared humanity that are almost certainly a result of "nature" (i.e., evolution by natural selection), but whose precise evolutionary causation is currently obscure. Among these mysteries of "human nature," one of the more perplexing-and fraught-is the question of religion. Of course, it is not guaranteed that human religiosity has evolved at all, in the biological sense. There is considerable variability in religious practices worldwide, which at least opens the possibility that the underlying causation is simply cultural tradition and social learning, which vary from place to place-as does, for example, human language. But even as culture and social learning obviously determine the detail of what particular language is spoken by what particular people, it is also true that all 'normal' human beings end up speaking some sort of language; moreover, these languages typically share what linguists designate a "deep structure." This basic pattern seems likely to apply to religion, too.



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