首页> 外文期刊>Flow, turbulence and combustion >Numerical investigation and feasibility study of a PZT-driven micro-valve pulsed-jet actuator

Numerical investigation and feasibility study of a PZT-driven micro-valve pulsed-jet actuator


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A micro-valve pulsed-jet vortex-generator driven by piezoelectric actuation was successfully modelled numerically to determine the feasibility of such a design. This includes: modelling the dynamic motion of a unimorph cantilever and the fluid-structure interaction occurring between the unimorph and the fluid flowing over such a structure; the unsteady developing channel flow that would occur through the outlet orifice was also modelled. The initial design was found to have several fundamental flaws that were shown to be easily remedied. The fluid-structure interaction was found to have a strong effect on the motion of the piezoelectric beam and therefore the performance of the pulsed-jet actuator. The response time of the actuator was found to be governed by the micro-valve opening rather than the time taken to establish the jet. However, the resistance of the pulsed-jet actuator was shown to be governed by the outlet orifice; it was an order of magnitude larger than the resistance of the micro-valve.



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