首页> 外文期刊>Mining Engineering >Work on Endako molybdenum suspended; Low prices lead to decision by owner Thompson Creek Metals

Work on Endako molybdenum suspended; Low prices lead to decision by owner Thompson Creek Metals


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WORK AT the Thompson Creek Metals' Endako molybdenum mine in British Columbia has been suspended because of low molybdenum prices. About half of the mine's salaried employees will be let go at an estimated cost of $1.7 million in severance packages, the company said in a news release. Less than two years ago, a ceremony was held at the mine, 175 km (108 miles) west of Prince George, for the opening of a $650-million mill that nearly doubled the mine's daily processing capacity to 55 kt (60,000 st). The mine, then 42 years old, was expected to last another 18 years, The Vancouver Sun reported.
机译:汤普森溪金属公司位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的Endako钼矿的生产因钼价低而被暂停。该公司在新闻稿中说,大约有一半的受薪雇员将被解雇,估计遣散费为170万美元。不到两年前,在乔治王子以西175公里(108英里)处的矿山举行了开工典礼,耗资6.5亿美元开设一家磨煤机,使矿山的日处理能力几乎翻了一番,达到55 kt(60,000 st)。据《温哥华太阳报》报道,当时已有42年历史的该矿预计将再持续18年。



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