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Excerpts from the minutes ?f the M&E-Division's Executive Committee meeting


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The Executive Committee of the Mining & Exploration Division (M&E) met from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Feb. 24,2008 in Salt Lake City, UT. M&E Executive Committee members in attendance were: Joe Driscoll, Tim Arnold, Hugh Miller, Dayan Anderson, George Sanders, Bob Washnock, Bill Warfield, Steve Holmes, Madan M. Singh, Sam Shoemaker, Catherine Dreesbach, Bob Schafer. Guests included: SME presidents James Ar-nold, William Wilkinson and George Luxbacher; SME staff, Dave Kanagy, Mary O'Shea,Tara Davis, AnnMarie Estrada, Sally Kennerson and Chad Kozin.The meeting was called to order by M&E Executive Committee chair Joe Driscoll at 9:15 a.m. Driscoll provided a comprehensive handout on the meeting topics. The minutes of the midyear meeting, held in New Orleans, LA on Sept. 29,2007, were read and approved.
机译:采矿与勘探部(M&E)执行委员会于上午9时至下午12时举行会议。于2008年2月24日在犹他州盐湖城举行。机电执行委员会成员包括:乔·德里斯科尔,蒂姆·阿诺德,休·米勒,达扬·安德森,乔治·桑德斯,鲍勃·沃克诺克,比尔·沃菲尔德,史蒂夫·福尔摩斯,玛丹·辛格,山姆·舒克梅克,凯瑟琳·德里斯巴赫,鲍勃·谢弗。嘉宾包括:中小型企业总裁James Ar-nold,William Wilkinson和George Luxbacher;中小企业工作人员Dave Kanagy,Mary O'Shea,Tara Davis,AnnMarie Estrada,Sally Kennerson和Chad Kozin.M&E执行委员会主席Joe Driscoll在上午9:15召集会议,Driscoll提供了有关会议主题的综合讲义。阅读并批准了2007年9月29日在路易斯安那州新奥尔良举行的年中会议记录。



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