首页> 外文期刊>ancient science of life >A Comparative Study of the effect of Vasa Avaleha prepared with Vasa Swarasa and Vasa Kwatha in Tamaka Shwasa

A Comparative Study of the effect of Vasa Avaleha prepared with Vasa Swarasa and Vasa Kwatha in Tamaka Shwasa


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Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) is used to treat the diseases such as Shwasa, Kasa andRaktapitta in diffirent dosage forms like Swarasa, Avaleha and Ghrita. Although the Avaleha Kalpana is not available in Brihattrqya, but Gada Nigraha by Aacharya Sodhal and Bhava Prakasha have described its use in the form of Avaleha to treat the diseases of Respiratory System. The objective of this study is to compare the efficacy of two types of VasaAvalehaprepared with either 'Swarasa' or 'Kwatha' of Vasa during their preparation. The outcomes were assessed on the basis of relief in subjective synptoms and certain hematologicalparameters. Total 35 patients were enrolled for the study. Both the groups showed highly significant results on cardinal symptoms like frequency, intensity and duration of Shwasa (dyspnoea), Kasa (coughing), Peenasa (rhinitis) with maximum percentage in Vasa Avaleha (Swarasa). The formulations also shows a insignificant decrease in haematocrit values which includes Neutrophil, Eosinophil, Lymphocyte count and E.S.R.. Overall Vasa Avaleha (Swarasa) shows maximum percentage of improvement than the othergroup.



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