首页> 外文期刊>Mycologia >Relationships among Amylostereum species associated with siricid woodwasps inferred from mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequences

Relationships among Amylostereum species associated with siricid woodwasps inferred from mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequences


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The genus Amylostereum currently includes four species, namely A. areolatum, A. chailletii, A. laevigatum and A. ferreum. Two of these species, A. areolatum and A. chailletii, are well known for their association with siricid woodwasps. Despite much interest in these fungus-woodwasp symbioses, the taxonomy and phylogeny of this genus received little attention in the past. The aim of this study was to investigate the phylogenetic relationship between the four species of Amylostereum. The placement of Amylostereum spp. among the Basidiomycetes was also investigated based on mt-SSU-rDNA sequence analyses. These data also clarify the taxonomic status of previously unidentified isolates. In this study, we have shown that A. areolatum is more distantly related to the three other species of Amylostereum, than they are to each other: Of the remaining three species, A. ferreum and A. laevigatum are more closely related to each other One isolate that was collected from Sirex areolatus, and, therefore, expected to be A. chailletii, was more closely related to A. laevigatum and A. fer reum. As neither of the latter species have been implicated in associations with woodwasps, this finding warrants further investigation. Our data show that Amylostereum spp. group with neither Stereum nor Peniophora, as has been previously hypothesised, but rather with Echinodontium tinctorium. From this and other studies there was also an obvious relationship between Amylosterum/Echinodontium and Russula. [References: 34]
机译:直链淀粉属植物目前包括四个物种,即:A。areolatum,A。chailletii,A。laevigatum和A. ferreum。这些物种中有两个,即沙枣曲霉和chailletii曲霉,因为它们与干燥的黄蜂有关。尽管对这些真菌-木蜂共生酶有很大的兴趣,但该属的分类学和系统发育在过去很少受到关注。这项研究的目的是调查四种直链淀粉之间的系统发育关系。直链淀粉属的位置。还基于mt-SSU-rDNA序列分析研究了担子菌中的细菌。这些数据还阐明了以前未鉴定的分离株的分类学状态。在这项研究中,我们表明,槟榔与其他三种直链淀粉的亲缘关系远比彼此之间的亲缘关系更远:在其余三种物种中,A。ferreum和A. laevigatum彼此之间的亲缘关系更紧密。从Sirex areolatus收集的一种分离株,因此被认为是cha.tiille A.,与la.vigeatum和A. fer reum密切相关。由于没有后一种物种与木蜂有关,这一发现值得进一步研究。我们的数据显示,直链淀粉属。如先前所假设的,既没有立体声也没有Peniophora的组,而是带有Echinodontium tinctorium的组。从这项研究和其他研究中,直链淀粉/棘皮动物与红菇之间也存在明显的关系。 [参考:34]



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