首页> 外文期刊>Trauma >Local cutaneous reflex modulation following spinal cord injury: Implications for neurorehabilitation

Local cutaneous reflex modulation following spinal cord injury: Implications for neurorehabilitation


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Objetive: To evaluate the general state of inhibitory spinal pathways measuring local cutaneous reflexes (LCR) modulation and normalize this activity through the application of vibratory stimuli. Methods: This study was performed in two phases. In phase 1, healthy volunteers and patients with incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI) with or without spasticity were examined. In phase 2, healthy volunteers and patients with iSCI were examined. In both studies subjects performed an ankle continuous exercise with phases of rest (REP), concentric (CON) and isometric (ISO 50) plantarflexion. RCL activity was evoked during the three specific movements measuring electromyographic activity in the Tibialis Anterior (TA) and Gastrocnemious Medialis (GM). In the second study phase, vibratory stimuli were applied to the plantar surface of the foot to measure the effect on RCL activity. Results: In the phase I study, both the healthy and the patient group without spasticity revealed an inhibition of TA RCL activity in both plantarflexion exercises, while no such modulation was observed in the spasticity group. Conclusions: The application of vibratory stimuli could mediate in inhibitory spinal mechanisms altered in patients with iSCI with spasticity.



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