首页> 外文期刊>Nanotechnology >Spontaneous deposition of gold nanoparticle nanocomposite on polymer surfaces through sol-gel chemistry

Spontaneous deposition of gold nanoparticle nanocomposite on polymer surfaces through sol-gel chemistry


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A aminosilica nanocomposite layer containing a monolayer of gold nanoparticles (d = 18-22 nm) with a well-defined spacing was spontaneously deposited on an unmodified polystyrene surface via a sol-gel reaction when the reduction reaction was carried out under 1:8 molar ratio (gold(III):aminosilane) . The amount of aminosilica and spacing between gold nanoparticles were found to be a function of the aminosilane:water molar ratio, which contributes to the plasmonic property of the films with its absorption wavelength ranging between 701 and 548 nm. Furthermore, the nanocomposite film that consists of a monolayer of nanoparticles in aminosilica has also been deposited on the surface of polystyrene beads. This core-shell structure was found capable of storing electrostatic charges and forming a well-separated 2D array.
机译:当在1:8摩尔下进行还原反应时,通过溶胶-凝胶反应将包含单层金纳米颗粒(d = 18-22 nm)的氨基二氧化硅纳米复合层通过溶胶-凝胶反应自发沉积在未改性的聚苯乙烯表面上。比(金(III):氨基硅烷)。发现氨基二氧化硅的量和金纳米颗粒之间的间距是氨基硅烷:水摩尔比的函数,这有助于其吸收波长在701至548 nm之间的薄膜的等离子体特性。此外,由氨基二氧化硅中的纳米颗粒单层组成的纳米复合膜也已经沉积在聚苯乙烯珠粒的表面上。发现该核-壳结构能够存储静电荷并形成分离良好的2D阵列。



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