首页> 外文期刊>Nature clinical practice:Urology >Do we need more nomograms for predicting outcomes in patients with prostate cancer?

Do we need more nomograms for predicting outcomes in patients with prostate cancer?


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Men naturally ask lots of questions when they are diagnosed with clinically localized prostate cancer. Will this disease kill me? Do I need treatment, now or in the future? If I treat the cancer, will it come back? Are there adverse effects of treatment, what are they, and how common are they? What will happen to me if I leave the disease untreated? These questions are all perfectly natural for a man or his partner to ask and worry about. Men will ask everyone they can think of for answers, and often search in books or on the internet for information. Partners can be even more obsessed with finding answers than the patients themselves. The answers are extremely important because they can drive patient decision making.



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