首页> 外文期刊>Neuron >An Agent Independent Axis for Executed and Modeled Choice in Medial Prefrontal Cortex

An Agent Independent Axis for Executed and Modeled Choice in Medial Prefrontal Cortex


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Adaptive success in social animals depends on an ability to infer the likely actions of others. Little is known about the neural computations that underlie this capacity. Here, we show that the brain models the values and choices of others even when these values are currently irrelevant. These modeled choices use the same computations that underlie our own choices, but are resolved in a distinct neighboring medial prefrontal brain region. Crucially, however, when subjects choose on behalf of a partner instead of themselves, these regions exchange their functional roles. Hence, regions that represented values of the subject's executed choices now represent the values of choices executed on behalf of the partner, and those that previously modeled the partner now model the subject. These data tie together neural computations underlying self-referential and social inference, and in so doing establish a new functional axis characterizing the medial wall of prefrontal cortex. Nicolle et al. show that valuation and choice for self and other exhibit parallel computations, where gradients exist within both medial prefrontal and temporoparietal cortices. Ventral regions compute choices that will be executed, while dorsal regions compute choices that are merely modeled.
机译:社交动物的适应性成功取决于推断他人可能行为的能力。关于这种能力背后的神经计算知之甚少。在这里,我们表明即使当前这些值与大脑无关,大脑也可以对其他人的价值和选择进行建模。这些模型化的选择使用了与我们自己的选择相同的计算方法,但是在不同的邻近内侧前额叶大脑区域中得到了解析。然而,至关重要的是,当受试者代表伴侣而不是他们自己选择时,这些地区会交换其职能。因此,表示对象执行的选择的值的区域现在代表代表伙伴执行的选择的值,而先前对伙伴建模的区域现在对对象进行建模。这些数据将基于自我指称和社会推断的神经计算联系在一起,从而建立了表征前额叶皮层内侧壁的新功能轴。 Nicolle等。表明自我和其他人的评估和选择表现出平行的计算,其中内侧前额叶和颞顶皮质中都存在梯度。腹侧区域计算将要执行的选择,而背侧区域计算仅被建模的选择。



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