首页> 外文期刊>Neurosurgery >The influence of prophylactic vasoactive treatment on cochlear and facial nerve functions after vestibular schwannoma surgery: a prospective and open-label randomized pilot study.

The influence of prophylactic vasoactive treatment on cochlear and facial nerve functions after vestibular schwannoma surgery: a prospective and open-label randomized pilot study.


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OBJECTIVE: Facial nerve paresis and hearing loss are common complications after vestibular schwannoma surgery. Experiments with facial nerves of the rat and retrospectively analyzed clinical studies showed a beneficial effect of vasoactive treatment on the preservation of facial and cochlear nerve functions. This prospective and open-label randomized pilot study is the first study of a prophylactic vasoactive treatment in vestibular schwannoma surgery. METHODS: Thirty patients were randomized before surgery. One group (n = 14) received a vasoactive prophylaxis consisting of nimodipine and hydroxyethylstarch which was started the day before surgery and was continued until the seventh postoperative day. The other group (n = 16) did not receive preoperative medication. Intraoperative monitoring, including acoustic evoked potentials and continuous facial electromyelograms, was applied to all patients. However, when electrophysiological signs of a deterioration of facial or cochlear nerve function were detected in the group of patients without medication, vasoactive treatment was started immediately. Cochlear and facial nerve function were documented preoperatively, during the first 7 days postoperatively, and again after long-term observation. RESULTS: Despite the limited number of patients, our results were significant using the Fisher's exact test (small no. of patients) for a better outcome after vestibular schwannoma surgery for both hearing (P = 0.041) and facial nerve (P = 0.045) preservation in the group of patients who received a prophylactic vasoactive treatment. CONCLUSION: Prophylactic vasoactive treatment consisting of nimodipine and hydroxyethylstarch shows significantly better results concerning preservation of the facial and cochlear nerve function in vestibular schwannoma surgery. The prophylactic use is also superior to intraoperative vasoactive treatment.
机译:目的:面神经麻痹和听力丧失是前庭神​​经鞘瘤手术后的常见并发症。对大鼠面神经进行的实验和回顾性分析的临床研究表明,血管活性治疗对保持面神经和耳蜗神经功能具有有益作用。这项前瞻性开放标签随机试验研究是前庭神经鞘瘤手术中预防性血管活性治疗的首项研究。方法:30例患者在手术前被随机分组​​。一组(n = 14)接受了由尼莫地平和羟乙基淀粉组成的血管活性预防,该组从手术前一天开始,一直持续到术后第七天。另一组(n = 16)未接受术前药物治疗。对所有患者进行术中监测,包括声诱发电位和连续的面部骨髓电图。但是,如果在没有药物治疗的患者组中发现面部或耳蜗神经功能恶化的电生理迹象,则立即开始血管活性治疗。术前,术后第7天以及长期观察后再次记录耳蜗和面神经功能。结果:尽管患者人数有限,但使用Fisher精确检验(少量患者),在保留前庭神经鞘瘤术后听力(P = 0.041)和面神经(P = 0.045)方面取得更好的结果,我们的结果是有意义的在接受预防性血管活性治疗的患者组中。结论:由尼莫地平和羟乙基淀粉组成的预防性血管活性治疗在保留前庭神经鞘瘤手术中的面部和耳蜗神经功能方面显示出显着更好的效果。预防性使用也优于术中血管活性治疗。



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