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Satisfying thirst for event-driven performance - Pernod Ricard drives traceability, plant intelligence with Wonderware, Microsoft solutions

机译:满足对事件驱动型性能的渴望-Pernod Ricard通过Wonderware,Microsoft解决方案提高可追溯性,工厂智能

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One could say that Pernod Ricard has quenched its thirst for real-time plant information. The manufacturer of wines and spirits is using plant-performance management applications running on a Microsoft platform to deliver the steady stream of event-driven information it needed to improve operations at its plant in Thuir, France. The facility makes more than 70 products, including Suze bitters. With increased demand, Pernod elected to add an 8,600-square-foot workshop that includes Suze production. This provided an opportunity to upgrade the facility's largely manual processes with automation systems and production-management applications. The solution it selected came from Wonderware, a unit of Invensys.
机译:可以说,保乐力加(Pernod Ricard)消除了对实时植物信息的渴望。葡萄酒和烈酒制造商正在使用在Microsoft平台上运行的工厂绩效管理应用程序来提供稳定的事件驱动信息流,以改善法国Thuir工厂的运营。该工厂生产包括Suze苦味在内的70多种产品。随着需求的增长,Pernod选择增加一个包括Suze生产在内的8600平方英尺的车间。这提供了一个机会,可以使用自动化系统和生产管理应用程序来升级工厂的大部分手动流程。它选择的解决方案来自Invensys旗下的Wonderware。



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