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PAX3-FKHR chimeric oncoprotein: hiding itself from immune detection?


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The ability of cancer cells to avoid detection by the immune system has been a subject of debate and controversy since it was initially described in terms of the immune surveillance hypothesis by Burnet and Thomas in the 1950s.Broadly speaking immune surveillance implies the existence of tumor antigens, molecular markers that could serve as a target for the immune system by virtue of their mutation, or overexpression by transcriptional, genetic or epigenetic mechanisms. Naturally occurring tumor antigens have been most frequently and convincingly described in the context of viral infection, and the overexpression of onco-fetal antigens in cancers such as melanoma.Key evidence in favor of immune surveillance is the immunoinhibitory environment of tumors and of cancer patients as exemplified by high circulating levels of immunoinhibitory cytokines such as IL10 and TGFP,loss of MHC class I or P2-microglobulin expression,increase in regulatory T cell numbers and activity,and decrease in numbers and activity of dendritic cells.Arguments against immune surveillance have included the contention that its existence In normal individuals should necessitate an increased incidence of cancer in patients with severe immunodeficiencies. However, within this patient population, apart from specific viral associated malignancies such as EBV driven lymphoproliferative diseases, Hodgkins or Kaposi's sarcoma, there is no significant increase in common cancers.



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