首页> 外文期刊>Revue de Medecine Veterinaire >Case report: Ankyloblepharon-ectodermal dysplasia-cleft lip/palate (AEC)-like syndrome in a Holstein calf

Case report: Ankyloblepharon-ectodermal dysplasia-cleft lip/palate (AEC)-like syndrome in a Holstein calf

机译:病例报告:荷斯坦犊牛的甲状ble虫-表皮异型增生-唇/ pal裂(AEC)样综合征

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Hay-Wells syndrome is a rare form of ectodermal dysplasia initially described by Hay and Wells in 1976. This autosomal dominant disorder leads to various congenital abnormalities of the skin, hair, teeth, nails and sweat glands. In the case report, a20 days old Holstein calf exhibited a permanent bilateral congenital ankyloblepharon, skin erosions and oligodontia at birth which are considered as cardinal signs of this syndrome by most authors. Surgery was performed in order to reconstruct the palpebral fissure of both eyes. This manuscript reports the first case of an ankyloblepharon ectodermal dysplasia-cleft lip/palate (AEC)-like syndrome in a Holstein calf.
机译:Hay-Wells综合征是Hay和Wells于1976年最初描述的一种罕见的外胚层发育异常形式。这种常染色体显性遗传疾病会导致皮肤,头发,牙齿,指甲和汗腺的各种先天性异常。在该病例报告中,荷斯坦牛20天大的小牛在出生时表现出永久性的双侧先天性甲胎龙,皮肤糜烂和少齿症,这被大多数作者认为是该综合征的主要症状。为了重建两只眼睛的睑裂,进行了手术。该手稿报道了第一例霍斯坦牛小腿强直pharon外胚层发育异常-唇/ pal裂(AEC)样综合征。



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