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The influence of particle properties on filtration


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If the particle properties could be specified for a filtration, the target properties would be for the particles to have as large a size as possible, be as near to spherical as possible, and have a monosize distribution. Their largeness would minimise the interactions at the particle-liquid interface, minimise the effects of ageing, effectively eliminate many cloth related problems such as bleeding and blinding and the need for very frequent cleaning, allow high fluid flow rates through the cake, and reduce the liquid volume retained in the cake when it is discharged. In practice, the feed is invariably composed of a size distribution and the smallest particles in the distribution control many aspects of the filter cycle. The smallest particles are the ones that bleed through the filter cloth in the initial stages of filtration, they accumulate in the cake layers nearest to the filter cloth, they contribute most to the specific surface of the particles and to the specific resistance of the filter cake, and they interact most strongly with ions or other substances (for example, polymers) in the solution to create the compressibility effect. The particle size that is most important for characterising a filtration is rarely the mean size (50% size) in a distributionthe finer particles in the distribution usually "control" the filtration, and when comparing the likely effects of particle size on filtration it is preferable to compare the 5 or 10% sizes. Even small increases in the number of these finer particles can significantly reduce filtration rates. So there are a variety of operational related reasons to eliminate the fines in the feed, due to their slowing effect on the rates of filtration, washing and deliquoring and being a cause of higher moisture contents in filter cakes.
机译:如果可以为过滤指定颗粒性质,则目标性质将是使颗粒具有尽可能大的尺寸,尽可能接近球形并具有单一尺寸的分布。它们的大尺寸将最大程度地减少颗粒-液体界面处的相互作用,最大程度地减少老化的影响,有效消除许多与布相关的问题,例如渗色和致盲以及需要非常频繁地清洁的问题,允许高流量通过滤饼,并减少蛋糕排出时保留在蛋糕中的液体量。实际上,进料总是由尺寸分布和最小的颗粒组成,该分布控制着过滤器循环的许多方面。最小的颗粒是在过滤初始阶段通过滤布渗出的颗粒,它们积聚在最靠近滤布的滤饼层中,它们对颗粒的比表面积和滤饼的比电阻起最大作用。 ,它们与溶液中的离子或其他物质(例如聚合物)相互作用最强,从而产生可压缩性。表征过滤最重要的粒径很少是分布中的平均粒径(50%粒径),分布中的较细颗粒通常“控制”过滤,并且在比较粒径对过滤的可能影响时,最好比较5%或10%的尺寸。这些较细颗粒的数量即使增加很小,也可以显着降低过滤速率。因此,有许多与操作相关的原因可消除饲料中的细粉,因为它们对过滤,洗涤和脱液速率的影响较慢,并且是滤饼中水分含量较高的原因。



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