首页> 外文期刊>Small Fruits Review >Effect of Pruning and Urea Fertilization on Rejuvenation of Cultivated Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) with Special Reference to Mycorrhizal Infection

Effect of Pruning and Urea Fertilization on Rejuvenation of Cultivated Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) with Special Reference to Mycorrhizal Infection

机译:修剪和尿素施肥对栽培越橘(Vaccinium v​​itis-idaea L.)活力的影响,特别针对菌根感染

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Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) growth and development was studied in field experiments in Viikki, Finland (60°10'N, 25°00'E), The effects of pruning height (1 and .5 cm above ground) and urea fertilization (0-10 g m~(-2)) were examined for their capacity to rejuvenate 10 year old lingonberry vegetation. Lingonberry roots collected from an experimental field were compared with those from wild stands for the presence of mycorrhizas. Lingonberry vegetation recovered exceptionally well from pruning after one growing season. High pruning (5 cm) resulted in higher number of new shoots than low pruning (1 cm), but low pruning and 5 g urea produced the most generative shoots and the greatest number of flower buds. Fertilizer application, in general, had very little effect, Fungal hyphae were detected in the root epidermis. Advantages of low pruning in lingonberry management and the effect of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen and role of mycorrhizal infection in nutrient uptake of lingonberry are discussed.
机译:在芬兰Viikki(60°10'N,25°00'E)的野外试验中研究了越橘(Vaccinium v​​itis-idaea L.)的生长和发育,修剪高度的影响(离地面1和0.5厘米)和研究了尿素施肥(0-10 gm〜(-2))使其恢复10年生越橘植被的能力。比较从实验田收集的越橘根与野生林的根是否存在菌根。一个生长季节后,越橘植被从修剪中恢复得异常出色。高修剪(5厘米)比低修剪(1厘米)产生更多的新芽,但是低修剪和5 g尿素产生的芽最多,芽的数量最多。通常,施肥几乎没有效果,在根表皮中检测到真菌菌丝。讨论了低修剪在越橘管理中的优势以及铵和硝酸盐氮的影响以及菌根感染在越橘养分吸收中的作用。



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