首页> 外文期刊>Pediatrics: Official Publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics >Incidental findings of nonparentage: A case for universal nondisclosure

Incidental findings of nonparentage: A case for universal nondisclosure


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We advocate for the incorporation of a new clause into the consent forms for pediatric genetic testing that clearly states that any incidental information about parentage will not be revealed, regardless of the result. Using a case of misattributed maternity, we examine both the pro- and antidisclosure arguments. In the absence of arguments that clearly demonstrate irrevocable harm from nondisclosure and against a backdrop of arguments that compellingly highlight the potential for serious harms from disclosing incidental findings of nonparentage, we advocate for a universal, institution-wide policy of nondisclosure. Our proposed policy of universal nondisclosure not only provides a viable solution to the disclosure dilemma but also empowers patients to know what testing is available to them and to seek it out on their own terms, fully informed. With an easily implemented consent change, clinics can take a clear and firm stance in the disclosure debate. As a result, patients will be protected, policy will be widely understood, and cases will be resolved consistently and clearly.



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