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Selecting the right host and diet for in vivo culturing of entomopathogenic nematodes, using nematode yield as one of the deciding variables


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Entomopathogenic nematode production of Heter-orhabditis zealandica and H. bacteriophora, using wax moth (Gal-leria mellonella L.), yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.), codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) and false codling moth (Thaumatotibia leucotreta M.) larvae, was determined, as well as the correlation between the weight of the host larvae and the nematode progeny produced. Wax moth larvae were found to produce the highest number of H. zealandica and H. bacteriophora per gram host. A significantpositive linear relationship was found to exist between the weight of fresh wax moth and mealworm larvae and the number of nematodes produced. Using frozen hosts of wax moth and mealworm larvae, a comparable reproduction of nematodes was only found withthe mealworm larvae. The second objective of the study was to compare various cost-efficient host diets, with the aim of selecting one superior diet. Wax moth larvae and mealworm larvae were reared on five different diets respectively, to determine which diet led to the highest increase in larval weight. A diet, consisting of 118 g wheat flour, 206 g wheat bran, 118 g milk powder, 88 g brewer's yeast, 24 g wax powder, 175 ml honey and 175 ml glycerol, produced the heaviest wax moth larvae, with an average weight of 0.19 g per larva. The heaviest mealworm larvae were produced on a diet consisting of wheat bran only, with each larva weighing, on average, 0.0154 g. Wax moth larvae and mealworms, two of the most commonly used insect hosts in nematode culturing, were, accordingly, selected for the culturing of nematodes. The larvae of the hosts produced sufficient numbers of nematodes for the in vivo culturing process to be economically viable for the small-scale production of local endemic, highly specific and virulent EPN isolates.
机译:使用蜡蛾(Gal-leria mellonella L.),黄粉虫(Tenebrio molitor L.),co蛾(Cydia pomonella L.)和假co蛾(拟红霉。)幼虫,以及寄主幼虫的重量与产生的线虫后代之间的相关性被确定。发现蜡蛾幼虫每克宿主产生最高数量的西兰菌和H.细菌。发现新鲜蜡蛾和粉虫幼虫的重量与生产的线虫数量之间存在显着的正线性关系。使用冷冻的蜡蛾和粉虫幼虫宿主,只能发现与粉虫幼虫相当的线虫繁殖。该研究的第二个目标是比较各种具有成本效益的宿主饮食,以选择一种优质饮食。蜡蛾幼虫和粉虫幼虫分别在五种不同的饮食中饲养,以确定哪种饮食导致幼虫体重增加最高。由118克小麦粉,206克麦麸,118克奶粉,88克啤酒酵母,24克蜡粉,175毫升蜂蜜和175毫升甘油组成的饮食产生了最重的蜡蛾幼虫,平均体重为每个幼虫0.19克最重的粉虫幼虫仅由麦麸组成,每只幼虫平均重0.0154克。因此,蜡虫幼虫和粉虫是线虫培养中最常用的两种昆虫宿主,因此被选择用于线虫的培养。宿主的幼虫为体内培养过程产生了足够数量的线虫,对于小规模生产本地特有的,高特异性和高毒力的EPN分离株在经济上是可行的。



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