首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior >Nicotine alters some of cocaine's subjective effects in the absence of physiological or pharmacokinetic changes.

Nicotine alters some of cocaine's subjective effects in the absence of physiological or pharmacokinetic changes.


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Tobacco smoking and cocaine use often co-occurs and the frequency of smoking has been positively correlated with the likelihood of cocaine use. In addition, nicotine pretreatment has been shown to increase the rate of cocaine self-administration in rats and to enhance cue-induced cocaine craving in humans. The present study was conducted to investigate whether nicotine pretreatment via a transdermal patch alters the behavioral, physiological, and pharmacokinetic effects of an acute dose of cocaine in nondependent human volunteers. Seven male tobacco smokers who used cocaine occasionally provided informed consent and participated in this placebo-controlled, four-visit study. Following pretreatment with a transdermal nicotine patch (placebo, 14 mg), subjects were challenged with an acute dose of intranasal cocaine (placebo, 0.9 mg/kg). Nicotine pretreatment attenuated cocaine-induced increases in reports of "high" and "stimulated" and increased the latency to detect cocaine effects and cocaine-induced euphoria. Nicotine did not alter cocaine's effects on heart rate, skin temperature, and blood pressure or plasma cocaine, benzoylecgonine (BE), or ecgonine methylester (EME) concentrations. Our findings indicate that nicotine pretreatment alters some of the positive subjective effects of cocaine in humans without affecting cocaine's effects on physiologic responses or pharmacokinetic profiles.
机译:吸烟和可卡因使用经常同时发生,吸烟频率与可卡因使用的可能性呈正相关。此外,尼古丁预处理已显示出可增加大鼠中可卡因自我给药的速率,并增强线索诱导人对可卡因的渴望。进行本研究以调查通过经皮贴剂进行的尼古丁预处理是否会改变非依赖性人类志愿者中急性剂量可卡因的行为,生理和药代动力学作用。偶尔使用可卡因的七名男性吸烟者提供了知情同意,并参加了安慰剂对照的四次访问研究。用透皮尼古丁贴剂(安慰剂,14 mg)预处理后,向受试者用急性剂量的鼻内可卡因(安慰剂,0.9 mg / kg)攻击。尼古丁预处理减弱了可卡因引起的“高”和“刺激”报告的增加,并增加了检测可卡因作用和可卡因引起的欣快感的潜伏期。尼古丁不会改变可卡因对心率,皮肤温度和血压或血浆可卡因,苯甲酰芽子碱(BE)或芽子碱甲酯(EME)浓度的影响。我们的发现表明,尼古丁预处理可改变可卡因对人的某些积极主观作用,而不会影响可卡因对生理反应或药代动力学特征的影响。



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