您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> VBR


VBR的相关文献在1993年到2022年内共计92篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、自动化技术、计算机技术、社会学 等领域,其中期刊论文63篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献27篇;相关期刊55种,包括中国医疗保险、现代教育技术、科技信息等; 相关会议2种,包括2000全国广播电视科技学术年会、第九届全国多媒体技术学术会议等;VBR的相关文献由176位作者贡献,包括吴雪波、熊海容、姚蜀军等。



论文:63 占比:68.48%


论文:2 占比:2.17%


论文:27 占比:29.35%





  • 吴雪波
  • 熊海容
  • 姚蜀军
  • 孙景鳌
  • 蔡安妮
  • Y·巴克拉赫
  • 傅锡天
  • 全范镇
  • 刘南
  • 刘胜
  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献





    • 摘要: 15G网络顺畅衔接针对京张高铁沿线5G基站分布和覆盖范围进行梳理研究,经过近百次静态及动态测试攻克解决了诸多技术难题。对沿线400余个5G基站的网络进行了整合优化,减少高速行驶中的基站切换次数,并优化基站切换时RTT时延和网络抖动,完成沿线13个隧道、2个声屏障、5个重点车站的5G信号覆盖优化施工;利用车载智能5G传输系统解决了高铁车厢无线信号屏蔽问题,一方面可使无线信号增强30d B左右,同时还可对运营商网络及传输状态实时监控,提高了安全保障;针对高铁高速传输特点,优化4K编码及传输算法,通过设置合理缓存空间、VBR动态码率及多路由传输等技术的结合,最终实现清河站至太子城站全程近170km距离超高清直播的全程可用。
    • 摘要: 新奥特Aurora极光探针转码系统开启转码技术的新方式。“极光”系统基于云的分布式三层智能架构,能够向不同的发布平台提供其需要的各种编码、各种码率的节目,并提供相关的元数据信息。实现一对多的业务转码支撑能力。支持CBR、VBR等编码技术,VBR具备一入多出的能力。
    • 薛沛林; 梁洁; 吴雪波
    • 摘要: MPEG2-TS VBR编码技术日益广泛使用,但传统的基于MDI-DF的算法不太适合检测VBR码流的传输质量问题.提出了MPEG2-TS VBR码流质量评估算法,通过监测MPEG2-TS码流的PCR字段,计算在单位时间内接收到的VBR视频流的可播放时长与单位时间的绝对偏差量,根据绝对偏差量评价VBR视频流传输质量.实验结果证明该算法具有可行性和时效性.%MPEG2-TS VBR coding technology is widely used,but the traditional MDI-DF-based algorithm is not suitable for detecting the transmission quality of VBR stream.The MPEG2-TS VBR stream quality evaluation algorithm was proposed.By monitoring the PCR field of MPEG2-TS stream,the absolute amount of playback time and unit time of VBR video stream received in unit time was calculated.VBR video streaming quality was evaluated according to the absolute deviation.Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is feasible and effective.
    • 刘志飞
    • 摘要: 高标清节目由于类级组合和码率等级不同,给统计复用的实现带来了较大困难.本文提出了一种基于开环组网结构的CBR+VBR模式的高标清联合统计复用方案,利用先进的浅解码浅编码技术,改进了基本的码率控制算法,并进行模块化设计,有效利用了编码源的数据信息,跳过了编码中最复杂的运动估计模块,降低了计算复杂度,有效解决了高清节目码率波动对标清节目图像质量的影响问题,实现了不同类级组合和码率等级的MPEG-2高标清节目联合统计功能.
    • 孙鸿昌; 张绿原; 孙加红; 王升军
    • 摘要: Through analyzing the traditional security video surveillance system, a new design with new internet technologies for the demand of intelligent security field is applied and a optimization scheme is proposed. So security systems, host computer and a variety of devices could connect seamlessly to network, all owing users could view security real⁃time status of building with the video surveillance system on the LAN anytime.%在分析了传统安防视频监控系统的基础上,针对安防领域的智能化需求,运用新的互联网技术重新对系统进行规划和设计,并提出了优化方案,使安防系统、主机和各种设备能无缝连接到网络中,使用户通过视频监控系统能随时联网查看楼宇安防实时状态。
    • 巩晓力
    • 摘要: The entire U.S. healthcare industry is gradually changing from traditional fee-for-service payments to value-based reimbursement (VBR), which emphasizes the quality and the outcome of the services as an opposite to the quantity of services performed. Together with VBR model, newly emerged health care organizations like ACO are growing very fast, where hospitals, doctors, physicians and other medical professionals play greater roles than ever in medical cost control. The trend is obvious in both social and commercial medical insurance system of the USA.%美国医疗保险和健康管理领域的控费方式,正从传统的按照服务项目收取医疗费用的体系,逐渐过渡到考虑治疗或预防效果的收费体系,即基于价值的补偿机制(VBR)。以责任制医疗组织(ACO)为代表的新型医疗组织发展迅速,医生和医疗专业人员在医保控费中发挥了更大的作用。这一趋势无论在美国的社会医疗保险还是商业医疗保险中都非常明显。
    • Yen-Jen Chen; Yang-Jen Lin; Sheau-Ling Hsieh
    • 摘要: The study applied a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera to send video signals to 4 DaVinciTM development boards (TMS320DM6446) of Texas Instruments (TI) to carry out H.264 Baseline Profile video coding. One of the development boards coded in the Variable Bit Rate (VBR) mode, and the other three development boards coded in the Constant Bit Rate (CBR) mode. In addition, the constant rates are 2 Mbps, 1.5 Mbps and 1 Mbps respectively. The H.264 video compression files produced by the boards were analyzed via video analysis software (CodecVisa) in the study. This software can analyze and present the compression data characteristics of the video files under each video frame, i.e., bits/MB, QP, and PSNR. In this research, the characteristics of data of each frame under four different compression conditions were compared. Their differences were calculated and averaged, and the standard deviation was evaluated. It was further connected with the values of quality characteristics and the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) of each frame to analyze the relation among the frame quality, the compression rate of CBR, as well as the quantitative granularity. The preliminary conclusion of the study is that the compression behaviors of CBRs in different coding sources are adjusted in a specific proportion in order to cope with the change in frame complexity. The frame will be severely damaged by a critical value during the process of network transmission while the source rate is less than the value of the characteristic.
    • 孙冉; 王让定; 严迪群; 金超
    • 摘要: 现有的以MP3音频为载体的隐藏算法大都针对恒定码率编码(CBR)的MP3,而把动态码率编码(VBR)的MP3作为掩蔽载体的研究还比较少.与CBR相比,VBR编码技术能够使MP3音频体积更小、音质更高,这一优点使得VBR MP3在MP3音频市场中的份额越来越大.基于最低有效位方法,提出了一种针对编码参数比特率索引的VBR MP3音频隐写方法.该算法可实现盲提取,而且仅仅通过解析边信息即可提取秘密信息,而不需要对载体音频进行完全解码.实验结果表明,所提算法不仅感知性良好,同时隐藏容量不受音频风格的影响.
    • 海锦霞; 陈戈
    • 摘要: VBR视频编码方式可以降低高清视频的平均码率,文章阐述了基于RTSP协议的IPTV高清视频采用VBR编码方式,如何实现用户无感知的多码率自适应需求.
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