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权属调整的相关文献在2001年到2021年内共计62篇,主要集中在农业经济、经济计划与管理、法律 等领域,其中期刊论文55篇、会议论文7篇、专利文献116506篇;相关期刊41种,包括职业技术、经济技术协作信息、城市建设等; 相关会议7种,包括江苏省土地学会2011年学术年会、2010年中国土地学会学术年会、2009年中国土地学会学术年会等;权属调整的相关文献由116位作者贡献,包括叶艳妹、张彦平、李福能等。



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  • 叶艳妹
  • 张彦平
  • 李福能
  • 关江华
  • 周化萍
  • 张晓滨
  • 高世昌
  • Chen Jun
  • Lai jianhui
  • Lin zhenyuan
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈凯
    • 摘要: 全域土地综合整治是新时期自然资源部统一行使所有国土空间用途管制和生态保护修复职责的重要平台抓手.文章以广东省全域土地综合整治试点为例,总结了广东省开展农村拆旧复垦、垦造水田、高标准农田建设、村级工业园改造等土地整治探索与实践,分析了全域土地综合整治在规划、权属、现状地类、社会资本参与、资金筹措等方面面临的现实困境,并结合实践提出建议:(1)建立满足调整重构型整治需求的规划和用途管制机制;(2)建立健全权属调整的政策机制和技术体系;(3)畅通农业、生态空间价值实现路径;(4)完善市场参与和投融资机制;(5)构建以农民集体为实施主体的全域土地综合整治组织模式.
    • 汪文雄; 刘志强
    • 摘要: 权属调整作为农地整治工作的核心环节,在降低土地细碎化、提高农业生产机械化及化解农地权属纠纷等方面有着不可替代的作用.农户作为农地整治项目的主要受益者,提高农户对农地整治权属调整的认知,是促进其参与权属调整,从而推进农地整治工作的关键.本文基于湖北省11个县(市、区)农地整治项目区的实地调研数据,采用有序Logistic回归分析法研究农地整治权属调整中不同类型农户的认知差异及其成因.研究结果表明:各类农户对农地整治权属调整的行为态度的认知普遍较高,对主观规范的认知普遍不高,而对感知行为控制普遍较低;不同类型农户对农地整治权属调整的认知态度、主观规范及感知行为控制3个方面均存在显著差异,且其认知的影响因素也不相同.基于研究结果提出了如下政策建议:加强农地整治权属调整差别化入户宣传工作,发挥各类农村社会经济组织的利益协调作用,加强权属调整的相关培训,充分发挥认知态度较高农户的带头示范作用等,以促使农户转变观念并形成科学认知,进而促进农地整治权属调整工作的顺利开展.
    • 韩博; 金晓斌; 孙瑞; 项晓敏; 刘晶; 曹帅; 周寅康
    • 摘要: 耕地细碎化会导致农业生产效率降低、土地利用可持续性下降、耕地撂荒增多等多种农业问题, 土地整治是当前中国改善耕地细碎化的重要途径之一.为探索适宜的土地整治计量模型以解决耕地资源优化配置问题, 基于多目标线性规划, 从工程设计、权属调整、地块分配三方面构建土地整治项目区耕地资源优化配置模型, 并选取典型土地整治项目进行案例分析.研究结果表明:通过模型优化, 案例区农业生产消耗降低了20.41%、地块平均规模增大了53.72%、户均地块数降低了34.92%, 平均耕作距离减小了68.17%, 可促进耕地细碎化问题的改善, 有利于农业生产效率的提升.研究对丰富土地整治规划设计方法, 推动耕地细碎化问题解决具有参考和借鉴意义.%Fragmentation of cultivated land will lead to the reduction of agricultural production efficiency, the decline of land use sustainability and the shortage of cultivated land. Land consolidation is one of the important ways to improve the fragmentation of cultivated land in China. In order to explore suitable land consolidation model to solve the problem of optimal allocation of cultivated land resources, this study constructs a model of optimal allocation of cultivated land resources based on multi-objective linear programming model from three aspects: engineering design, ownership adjustment and plots allocation, and selects a typical land consolidation project for case analysis. Then it compares the model optimization and actual land consolidation results with the pre-consolidation from the aspects of agricultural production consumption, improvement of arable land morphology and location, and ownership status. The results show that: (1) Through the optimization of the model, the agricultural cost in the project area, the average number of plots per farmer, and the average cultivation distance decreased by20.41%, 34.92%, and 68.17%, respectively, while the average size of the plot increased by53.72%. The fragmentation of cultivated land is reduced and the agricultural production efficiency is improved. However, compared with the typical foreign land consolidation project, there is still much room for improvement in the allocation of cultivated land. (2) The current land consolidation methods have played a positive role in increasing the average size of plots and improving the shape of plots. However, there are still deficiencies in reducing the farming distance of farmers, increasing the adjacency of cultivated roads, and promoting the concentration of cultivated land property rights. (3) Combining land consolidation with land ownership adjustment plays an important role in reducing the agricultural production consumption caused by land fragmentation and inconvenient farming and improving agricultural production efficiency. The research is of significance for enriching planning and designing methods of land consolidation and promoting the solution to the issue of fragmentation of cultivated land.
    • 张晓滨; 叶艳妹; 陈莎; 程涛; 俞振宁
    • 摘要: 研究目的:总结国外农地整理权属调整技术方法创新研究的特征与趋势,为国内权属调整技术方法改进研究提供借鉴,从而推动权属调整的实施.研究方法:文献综述法.研究结果:国外权属调整技术方法创新研究始于对传统方法的问题识别,研究内容包括概念模型设计、地块再分配和地块分割三部分,并重点强调该过程的空间属性和对农民偏好满足程度的优化;GIS技术与运筹学模型结合是技术方法创新的主要方式;通过启发式方法提高实施过程的自动化和标准化程度是新近的发展趋势.研究结论:结合中国农地整理权属调整实际,相关研究今后应重点关注以下4个方面:(1)构建中国权属调整概念模型,并对权属调整的现实规则进行系统研究与建模;(2)继续探索各类新兴技术方法在权属调整过程中应用的可能性;(3)在对技术方法进行系统评估的基础上,开展技术方法与管理机制的匹配研究;(4)建立更丰富的权属调整优化目标和评价指标体系.
    • 谭思源; 何晓光
    • 摘要: 黑龙江省建三江前锋农场[1]位于抚远县境内西南部,乌苏里江左岸,隶属黑龙江农垦建三江管局管辖.由于近年来前锋农场农作物大量种植,造成了土地资源配置不合理和土地利用结构突变等问题发生.本着因地制宜的原则,结合当地民众开发整理小面积土地的经验,文章对研究区土地利用率进行了数理统计,对土地权属调整的原则和内容上进行了归纳整理.
    • 张晓滨; 叶艳妹
    • 摘要: 农地整理中的权属调整是缓解耕地破碎化最有效的工具之一,对农民意愿的忽视以及调整方法的不合理却阻碍着权属调整的推广.该研究以江西省黄玲乡农地整理项目为例,采用线性规划运输模型,以满足农户意愿为目标,进行权属调整,并将其与传统调整方法进行了比较.结果显示,基于线性规划运输模型的权属调整能够使地块数量减少71.71%,使地块与农居点距离减小7.16%,使75.04%的农民调整后的地块保留在调整前集中所在的田块,并在以上3方面以及调整精度上均优于传统方法;但是在减小地块分散程度上劣于传统方法;在调整效率上则与传统方法在不同阶段各有优劣.研究认为,基于线性规划运输模型的权属调整能够在缓解耕地破碎化的同时,最大程度地满足农民的意愿,具有良好的应用价值.目前,丰富权属调整方法体系,根据项目条件和农民偏好选择合适的方法,是促进权属调整大规模推广的有效途径.%Land reallocation in land consolidation is one of the most effective instruments to ameliorate farmland fragmentation. However, the unwillingness of farmers coupled with the inefficiency of reallocation method makes a great obstacle for promotion of it. Therefore, involvement of farmers' preferences and introduction of new technology with higher efficiency are necessary to get out of the plight. Taking farmland consolidation project in Huangling, Pengze county of Jiangxi province as a study area, in this paper, we constructed a new land reallocation model using transportation model of linear programming aiming at two main preferences of farmers in project area: to minimize the movement of land parcels and to minimize the distance between settlements and land parcels. Having determined the situated land blocks of land parcels, a land partitioning algorithm based on Python was proposed to realize the high efficiency and accuracy of the specific position, the area and shape determination of parcels. Also, a systematic comparison between this new model and the traditional one based on drawing lots was conducted in this paper from three aspects: 1) the amelioration of farmland fragmentation; 2) the change of parcels' location, and 3) the efficiency and accuracy of land reallocation. The results showed that both models can significantly reduce the number of land parcels, thus relieving land fragmentation. New model was slightly better than traditional one in terms of land parcels reducing while for those who still contracted more than one parcels after land reallocation, the spatial distribution resulted from new models was more scattered. In addition, the new model could reduce the average distance between land parcels and settlements in study area from 479.71 to 445.39 m, while it rose from 479.71 to 556.04 m in traditional model. For the change of location of land parcels, after land reallocation, 75.04% of land parcels in new model remained in the same land block prior to land reallocation, while only 31.06% of them remained in the same land block in the traditional model, attesting that linear programming guaranteed a high degree of meeting farmers' preferences. New model was more accurate compared to the traditional model. As for the efficiency, two models prevailed in different stages of land reallocation respectively. Traditional model was more efficient in land redistribution due to briefness of the procedure, while new model had significant high efficiency in land partitioning stage. It was concluded that the new model applying linear programming can well meet the needs of farmers, facilitating the promotion of land reallocation, especially in small scale land consolidation project. The introduction of GIS and computer programming also guaranteed the high accuracy and efficiency when compared to the way based on the experience and knowledge of experts. However, traditional model still had its applicable area, especially in places lacking of technical power and highly respected procedural justice. An abundant method system of land reallocation can make sure that the application of a specific model was based on the specific local condition, therefore, the development of new method was one of the key to promote large scale land reallocation in land consolidation.
    • 李婧
    • 摘要: 土地是最重要的资源之一,对土地进行开发整理是一个专业性比较强的工作,对现代化城市建设,旧城改造,区域规划对各个方面都有着十分重要的作用,要想保证对土地整理的质量,必须有着十分严格合理的土地测绘,从测绘过程中取得的各种土地数据将为整个土地资源整理各种决策的依据,一定程度而言,这是进程土地资源规划的基础性工作.
    • 魏锡静
    • 摘要: 本文将遵循科学性、可操作性和可获得性原则,对影响土地权属调整的驱动因素进行主成分分析,确定影响土地权属调整的主要因素,根据主成分因素进行驱动因素因子的分类.
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