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玉米单产的相关文献在1979年到2021年内共计160篇,主要集中在农作物、农业经济、农业基础科学 等领域,其中期刊论文160篇、专利文献39872篇;相关期刊98种,包括兵团工运、农业工程技术·农产品加工业、种子世界等; 玉米单产的相关文献由229位作者贡献,包括姜丽霞、宫丽娟、徐友春等。



论文:160 占比:0.40%


论文:39872 占比:99.60%





  • 姜丽霞
  • 宫丽娟
  • 徐友春
  • 曲辉辉
  • 朱海霞
  • 王子华
  • 王新民
  • 訾平
  • 赵化春
  • Michael R.Reed
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 金宇舰; 韩月; 赵翠婷
    • 摘要: 为深入研究玉米产量与气象条件的相关性关系,缩小实际产量与预期产量的差距,本文通过数据分析建立玉米产量与气象要素之间的相关关系,找到影响玉米产量的关键气象因素,为科学合理地指导本地农业生产、提高玉米产量提供依据.
    • 摘要: 康平县柳树乡辖9个行政村,28个自然屯,总人口1.57万人,耕地面积8.7万亩。主要种植作物是玉米,由于农业基础条件较差,多数耕地无灌溉条件,近几年连续干旱,玉米单产很低。基于此,柳树乡康平沙棘种植生态基地建立沙棘示范园1200亩,进行种植生产示范。按照当前市场价核算,种植沙棘的纯利润是种植玉米效益的5倍~10倍。
    • 贾正雷; 程家昌; 李艳梅; 刘玉
    • 摘要: [目的] 厘清中国玉米生产的时空变化特征,有助于保障玉米的持续、稳定供应.[方法] 文章采用经验模态分解等方法,基于玉米总产、播种面积及单产3个指标,从全国和省域两个尺度系统分析1978~2014年中国玉米生产的时空特征.[结果] (1) 研究期间,全国玉米产量增加了1.60亿t,其波动量呈现先增大后减小的趋势,波动指数的变化幅度不大;玉米播种面积增加了1716万hm2,其变化趋势与玉米总产量的变化趋势基本一致;玉米单产从1978年的2802.7kg/hm2波动性增至2014年的5809.1 kg/hm2,总体波动幅度大于玉米播种面积和总产量的波动幅度.(2) 研究期间,省域玉米增加量呈现出"北高南低"的特征,中国玉米生产重心进一步北移;省域玉米播种面积增加量呈现出"北高南低""西高东低"的特征,东北区和华北区的玉米播种面积进一步扩大;省域玉米单产增加量呈现出"西高东低""北高南低"的特征,省域单产以趋势增长为主,但年际间的波动较剧烈.[结论] 1978~2014年,省域间玉米生产分异特征明显,建议制定差别化的玉米生产策略.%Maize plays an important role in China′s agricultural production and national economy. Clarifying the spatial and temporal characteristics of maize production in China is helpful to ensure the sustainable and stable sup-ply of maize. Based on the empirical mode decomposition method,etc,this paper systemically analyzed the change trend of China′s maize yield in 1978~2014 on the national and provincial scale. The results showed that:(1) O-ver the past 37 years,maize yield increased by 160 million t,the proportion of corn production in total grain pro-duction also increased from 18.36% in 1978 to 35.53% in 2014;maize planting area increased by 17.16 million hm2, which had almost the same change trend as the total grain yield;the yield of maize per unit increased from 2 802.7kg/hm2in 1978 to 5 809.1kg/hm2in 2014,the index fluctuation remained essentially between -5% ~5%, the overall fluctuation was greater than that of the total maize yield and the maize planting area. (2)Over the past 37 years,provincial maize yield increased highly in the north and low in the south, while the provincial maize planting area showed the characteristics of"high in the north and low in the south. The maize planting area further enlarged into the Northeast and the Huanghuai region. The provincial maize per unit yield showed the characteris-tics of low in the east and high in the west. The fluctuation range of maize per unit yield was greater than that of maize sown area and maize yield. The results can provide a reference basis to compile differentiation maize produc-tion strategy.
    • 朱照学
    • 摘要: 30年来,宣汉县玉米总产和单产总体呈直线上升态势,特别是自20世纪90年代中期以来,全县玉米产业发展历经了“千亩攻关、万亩示范、整县制推进”3个阶段.玉米总产从1986年的3.35万t增加到2016年的16.67万t,增幅达397.6%.玉米单产由1986年的每公顷2355.0kg增至2016年的8341.5kg,提高了5986.5kg,增幅达254.2%.
    • 兵团日报
    • 摘要: 四师可克达拉市以推进规模化、标准化、全程机械化为抓手,提高制种玉米单产和总产,种植制种玉米1.26万公顷,制种玉米单产546公斤、总产10.42万吨。2018年,四师可克达拉市制种基地进一步筛选客户、制种职工,与黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、北京、山西、陕西、四川等省市的38家种子企业签订种子生产合同,生产品种组合120余个。
    • 黄海峰
    • 摘要: 江苏省如皋市搬经镇共有耕地14.5万亩,其中高沙土田面积占94.6%。自上世纪70年代以来,通过大规模的土地平整,兴修农田水利和改革耕作制度,逐步形成了以玉米为主体的“两旱一水”耕作制度。玉米的产量也随栽培技术的革新而相应提高。上世纪90年代初推广大钵育苗技术,淘汰直播玉米,亩单产突破了300千克。近年,大力推广直播地膜覆盖技术,产量突破了400千克,实现了玉米单产的跨越。
    • 杨笛; 熊伟; 许吟隆; 冯灵芝; 张梦婷; 刘欢
    • 摘要: China's maize yield has demonstrated a slowing growth since the end of last century, which has received great concerns for policy makers and agricultural scientists. Reasons for such phenomena are usually ascribed to decreasing fertilizer efficiency, land degradation, decreasing technology inputs such as new crop varieties, and climate change. However, none of the reasons has been clearly investigated and quantified to date, particularly at a very regional scale. Here a gridded and time series database of maize yield, areas, irrigation, fertilizer application, we apply an ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) analysis and examine the contribution of each factors on past yield growth and their changes along time. We discover that the slowing yield growth has been experienced at the whole China and 15 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) in 1981-2008. Based on Cobb-Douglas production function, we create multiple linear regression models for the whole country and the 10 provinces that exhibits slowing yield increase, to isolate the contributions of fertilizer, irrigation, other physical inputs and climate on past maize yield increase. Results showed, at national scale, 1) maize yield was significantly correlated with fertilizer, irrigation, other physical inputs and climate factors during 1981-2008. Maize yield was significantly promoted by inputs of fertilizer, irrigation and others, with a 1% increase of these investments increasing maize yield by 0.39%, 0.06% and 0.04%. Among climate factors, change of precipitation increased maize yield, with a 1% increase in precipitation promoting maize yield by 0.21%. Whereas temperature and cloud cover had negative effects on maize yield change, a 1% increase in temperature and a 1% decrease in solar radiation would decrease maize yield by 0.99% and 1.04% respectively. 2) Past increase of fertilizer application amount contributed most to past yield increase of maize (70.24%), followed by irrigation (9.44%), and other physical inputs (5.43%). Within all climate drivers, increase of temperature reduced maize yield by 1.98%, while decrease in precipitation and solar radiation increased maize yield by 1.08% and 4.72%. 3) Increased fertilizer application significantly increased the production in Northern spring maize region and Huang-Huai-hai summer maize region. Irrigation had positive effects in Northern spring maize region. The other physical inputs had significantly positive effects in Huang-Huai-hai summer maize region. For climate drivers, increase of temperature could promote maize yield significantly in Northern spring maize region and Huang-Huai-hai summer maize region. The reducing solar radiation had significantly negative effects on maize yield in two maize producing regions. Although statistic model is able to isolate the contribution of various factors, it's accuracy depends on the training date and the models that have been selected. Our results only focus on the major factors that affecting China's maize production, which to some extent limits its explanation ability as many other factors such as environmental degradation, pest and diseases, labor loss have started to affect the national crop production. Nevertheless, our results are consistent with previous studies showing that fertilizer is the major player for past maize yield growth, while its decreasing contribution has caused the recent slowing the maize yield increase. Climate change is becoming an important factor in fluctuating the production and affecting the changing trends.%采用集合经验模态分解方法,分析1981—2008年中国玉米单产的变化趋势,发现全国和15个省(自治区、直辖市)均出现了玉米单产增速变缓的现象.该研究选取10个出现玉米单产增速变缓的主产省(自治区、直辖市),基于Cobb-Douglas生产函数,构建了肥料、灌溉、其他物质投入和气候要素4类驱动因子与玉米单产之间的多元回归模型,分析各驱动因子对玉米单产的影响和贡献.结果表明:1)肥料、灌溉、其他物质投入和气候要素4类驱动因子与1981—2008年玉米单产均存在着显著的相关关系,其中肥料、其他物质投入和灌溉显著地促进了玉米单产的增长,当这些因子每增加1%时,将分别促进玉米单产增长0.39%、0.06%和0.04%.气候要素中,降水对玉米单产也表现为促进作用,当降水每增加1%,玉米产量会增长0.21%;而气温和太阳辐射(云覆盖率)则对玉米单产产生负面影响,当温度每增加1%和太阳辐射每减少1%,将导致玉米单产下降0.99%和1.04%.2)1981—2008年,肥料对玉米单产增加的贡献最大(使玉米增产70.24%),其次是灌溉(9.44%),其他物质投入的贡献为5.43%.气候变化要素中,温度升高导致玉米产量降低了1.98%,而降水和辐射的减少则使玉米产量分别降低了1.08%和4.72%.3)肥料对2个玉米主产区(北方春玉米区和黄淮海夏玉米区)的产量增加均呈现显著的促进作用,灌溉对北方春玉米单产有显著的正面影响,其他物质投入对黄淮海夏玉米单产有显著的正面影响.气候因子中,气温上升能显著的促进北方春玉米单产增长;太阳辐射的减少对2个主产区玉米单产均有显著的负面影响.
    • 陈英群; 李立新
    • 摘要: 玉米是延寿县主栽作物之一,分析了玉米产量提高的限制因素,包括品种选用不当、整地质量差、施肥不合理、田间管理不到位等因素,致使玉米单产不高.根据多年试验和生产实践,提出了解决措施,包括精细整地与合理轮作、选择适宜品种与严格种子处理、适时播种与合理密植、平衡施肥、科学管理、虫害防治等方面内容,以期为有效提高玉米产量提供参考.
    • 龚玲莉
    • 摘要: 玉米是我县的主要粮食作物之一,单产和总产均仅次于水稻,居第二位.近年种植面积在1.8万公顷以上,但生产发展不平衡,导致单产总体水平较低.因此,我县玉米单产水平提升空间很大,提高玉米单产对提高全县粮食产量,提高农民种植效益具有十分重要的意义.
    • 史晓亮; 杨志勇; 王馨爽; 薛羽梅; 刘峰
    • 摘要: 区域作物产量估测对于农业用地管理、粮食安全和宏观调控具有重要意义。以中国重要的玉米主产区之一松嫩平原为研究区,利用2001—2013年长时间序列遥感和气象数据,基于光能利用率模型估算玉米生育期5—9月累积地上生物量,进而根据地面实测的玉米收获指数校正,建立了研究区玉米单产估算模型。结果表明:该模型估算结果达到了大范围估产的精度要求;2001—2013年松嫩平原年均玉米单产为12 397.44kg/hm^2,总体呈增加趋势。该区玉米单产空间分布差异显著,总体为西低东高。从玉米单产年际变化的空间分布来看,研究区91.7%的区域玉米单产均有所增加,尤其是在松嫩平原西部的白城、齐齐哈尔等地,增产趋势更为明显。松嫩平原南部地区玉米单产与降水间具有显著的正相关性,但与气温呈负相关性,而研究区其他地区玉米单产与降水和气温相关性不明显。
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